Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I just want to wish everyone who reads this blog regularly or just visits on occasion a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2009. May your coming days, weeks and years be merry and bright.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2008 In Retrospect

Well, Christmas is almost here and 2008 is almost history. It's been a wild and crazy year for me, but I have hung in there. There's still a lot of things hanging in the air for me personally, and I'm sure a lot of them will get resolved early next year. Time will tell where I wind up in my heart, mind and soul...but I will persevere. Somehow, I always manage. But it's been really tough in 2008. Maybe 2009 will provide better happenings.

I plan to try to do different things next year. This is especially true in my two true hobbies, ham radio and stamp collecting. Experimentation is the key here; you'll see what happens beginning early in '09.

My web site will get ramped up more next year. Yes, I know...I promised that I would get certain things up and going on the site, but way too much has been happening for me personally that has kept me from getting it all done. Progress has been made, but it's not complete. Perhaps the one significant thing I've managed to get done on the site is to add the Skywarn training schedule for 2009; I know a lot of people have appreciated that already. And of course, this blog. I haven't quite been on here like I would have liked, but again things have been happening.

But I plan to make 2009 a special year, both for my hobbies and for me personally. Watch out for me next year; it's going to be fun!

Stay tuned...


Friday, November 21, 2008

2009 Skywarn Training Schedule; New Roundtable Net Starting

The 2009 SKYWARN training class schedule is out, thanks to several NWS offices throughout the state. This listing is by no means complete and will be updated as often as possible. You can take a look at the early schedule at and click the 2009 SKYWARN Training Schedule link on the left under Vital Pages.

I plan to be at the Meridian session as well as the Waco advanced class session, and I just might show up at one or two others as well but my personal schedule will determine that.


Plans are slowly coming together as far as my ham radio activity is concerned. I hope to be set up mobile before too much longer at least on VHF/UHF; HF is a bit down the road. Antennas are being planned, and I am looking at getting into a few contests in 2009 if all goes well. Jenny wants me to get on the air and be active and I plan to do just that!


There will be a new net coming to Central Texas, more like a resurrection really. The Roundtable Net will be held beginning Tuesday nights at around 7 pm on 147.180 MHz in Clifton with a PL tone of 123.0. This repeater has good coverage and should be accessible fairly easily. The first net should be this coming Tuesday night (11/25) . I will act as net control with help from Tracy, KD5IMM, and maybe others. Check in and join in the fun!

Stay tuned...


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Planning for My Operating Future

Well, as I had stated just recently I am no longer a resident of Bell County, Texas. I now belong to Bosque County and the city of Valley Mills, Texas...and I have begun to realize that I have made the right decision in making such a move. The people here are very warm and friendly and are very consistent in that; I cannot remember a time when I was ever made more welcome. Now I can be myself and do what I have always wanted to do, and Jenny definitely supports me in all of it (within reason, of course).

Here's what I will eventually do:

(1) Expand my equipment. I plan to add antennas and radios that will allow me to explore the VHF/UHF bands from 6 meters up through 70 cm. I plan to use Yagis and quads as the antennas of choice. Topography may limit some possibilities since I do live in a river valley but I can still even take advantage of that. Tropospheric ducting and other conditions that can occur in areas where valleys are located can allow for some interesting contacts. I plan to see what could be in store!

(2) Expand the number of operating modes I use. Right now it's just SSB and CW, but as I have said that I always wanted to do I plan to move into the digital modes for all bands that I will have operating capabilities for.

(3) Portable operating. All that I have mentioned in (1) and (2) I will also attempt to do in a portable setting. Of course there will be limitations but you never know what they are unless you try.

(4) Mobile operating. Right now the immediate plan is to get on 2 m and 70 cm in the car; all I really need is an antenna mount for the trunk of the car or a magnet mount for the roof of it. I should then be just fine. HF may not come until another vehicle is acquired; this may be a truck for which I will install whatever I want and however I want to install it.

(5) Backup power. This is something I have always wanted to do: keep my station off the power grid. This could become more important for me now since in Bosque County there is more of a tendency for the area to lose power for any number of reasons. Of course I could always hook up to a car battery and run that but I would rather have my own set of batteries running my station in the house or portable and not have to worry about anything. This will take some more research but I plan to seriously move forward on this.

Got any ideas as to how I handle the above topics? Drop me a line and let's discuss them...I will be all ears.

Stay tuned; there's more to come!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

No Longer in Bell County

Here's the first of several announcements that I had promised to throw out there for all who read this. As of today I do not reside in Bell County any longer. I am now a resident of Valley Mills, Texas, which is located in Bosque County and very close to the McLennan County line.

I had finished my move just this morning. Special thanks to Jenny Ross (my girlfriend) and Lynn Tharp, KB5TDZ for helping me out with the move. I'm still in the process of updating all my information, but the updates should show up on QRZ and elsewhere soon and the ARRL has been informed as well.

My XYL Mary and I have decided to call our marriage quits and move on with our separate lives. It's the best for both of us and I admit it is bittersweet for me personally. But the people I have met in Bosque County and western McLennan County have been very friendly and hospitable, and have accepted me with open arms...especially many members of Jenny's family. So now, I have a whole new frontier for me to explore personally and I am really looking forward to it!

Now that I have made this move I plan to get back into ham radio the way I want to, and that includes regular operating and storm spotting. There may be another announcement as to how I will do this in the near future; more discussions will be occurring with a group or two that I have been involved with in the past, especially one major group that I founded back in 2003. I will tell more when I have future information.

I will be traveling the main and back roads of Bosque and McLennan counties to get to know them better, and I plan to do the same with Coryell, Hamilton, Hill, Somervell, Johnson, Erath and Limestone counties also. My goal is to be able to know where I am at at any given time in the areas I have just mentioned; this will be extremely important when I get out to do a little storm spotting from time to time.

This will be a different atmosphere than I am used to, but will be well worth it when it's all said and done. Wish me luck on this new adventure!

Stay tuned...


Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Back...Sorry!

God, it took so long to get back into my website and stuff! Work blocks everything and I can't get into another computer while mine is still down. Too many things have happened lately and I can't get it all together it seems. Oh, well...

I do plan to make some major announcements in the near future. I can't even drop a hint as to what these will be right now, but I will benefit greatly from them as a person and my life will be a whole lot better for it. When I'm ready to spill it all I will let everyone know.

But for now I'm here and I'm going to try to get caught up where I can, here on the blog as well as my website which has suffered from my absence. I like to keep everything updated, so it's been hard on me that I haven't been able to do that. Please be patient, for once certain things happen it will all be a lot better.

Stay tuned (patiently, please)...


Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Little HF This Weekend, Maybe?

Ok, gang...I know I've said this before and I'm saying it again, but I'm actually going to try playing on HF this weekend using my MFJ portable antenna. Believe it or not I'm not going anywhere, just staying home and play a little CW and possibly a little phone if the opportunity is there. I hope that I can come through this time around!

I didn't get to do the Texas QSO Party this year but will certainly try to do it next year for sure. I was out of town for almost a week on a last-minute occurrance and couldn't help it. I need to cut that back if I can.

Here's something I'm looking at trying to do: try to enter a few state QSO parties using CW only. I may not score that much but if I can possibly get a win or two in my category in one of those contests I would be really happy. Of course my slower speed would hamper me a bit but who knows? You gotta try in order to have a shot at winning.

I received bad news concerning my computer. A virus hit me real hard and the best fix is to simply get another OS for the darn thing. Since I was considering moving up to Windows XP anyway, I guess I'll have to spend the cash and move up to that OS. It will be worth it in the long run anyway, and once I have it installed things should be fine. I can then make that computer do some really cool things. It will likely take a month for me to get the software (likely on eBay) but it will be worth the wait.

Stay tuned...


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ready For the Weekend

It's only been 3 days since I got back from vacation and I'm already looking forward to the weekend. I got slammed with work while I was gone and I got absolutely no help whatsoever. And my co-workers want me to help with a chili cookoff on Friday??? Sorry, no dice; I have way too much work to do. I swear, I can't wait until Friday gets here; I'm playing ham radio this weekend and no one is going to change my mind. I need a breather from all of this...I guess I can't take a vacation the way I want to anymore. But that's OK.

I'm looking at a few additions to my ham gear, and these will all fall under the accessories column. But more importantly, I need to find a new OS for my computer; a virus got hold of it and crashed everything. At least I have backups on flash drives and I have Open Office, an open source version of Office that works very well. You can get it for free on the Internet or you can buy a copy on CD for under $20. Either way you can't lose at all. In the meantime I have to go to eBay and find an unopened original version of Windows XP, NOT an OES of it. Here goes $100...

Stay tuned...


Monday, September 29, 2008

Vacation Is Over...

Well everyone, the vacation is finally over and I am back at work. As expected, I had a large workload sitting there waiting for me as well as what will likely be a normal Monday setup.

In other words, I'm screwed for a couple of weeks at least.

But I had a decent time off. I wish I had been able to do a couple of things I had originally wanted to do but I did get to realize where I stand on some other issues. Meanwhile, my computer is still down but it has been getting worked on. I plan to check on it today and see if it's ready to come home so I can play on line again. Other than that I plan to play a little ham radio as I had originally planned.

But for now I had better get to work and see what's in store for me...stay tuned.


Thursday, September 25, 2008


So far my vacation has gone well. I am resting and relaxing at my location and I intend to continue doing so. But my mind's wheels are turning as to what I intend to start doing when I get back home:

1) Get my butt on HF. I have been saying that I plan to get on the air on HF but things keep coming up and I don't get there. I have my new QSL cards ready to go but I just haven't been able to get on the air on HF. I promise I'll try when I get back home!

2) Experiment with my newfound crossband repeat capability. I plan to do this while walking around my neighborhood and see how well this works out from within my apartment. I don't expect great success, but if I can do a little something within at least a mile or two I should be fine. For now I will not announce any PL or DCS tones I am using but I may eventually do that.

3) Expand my website. There is now a beginning process in place that will eventually result in some technical articles being placed on my website. Randy, KA5IIA, and I are working on these and we will see how it all turns out. My site has always been available for anyone who wanted to discuss a personal project or operating event but for some reason I haven't had any takers. Well. someone has to take the lead on this and I guess we will see what happens with this collaborative project between Randy and myself.

4) Make sure my computer is fixed! My computer went down not long before I went on vacation; it should be fixed by the time I get back on Sunday the 28th. When I get it home I'll get it together and then see what peripherals I can add to it and make the thing more useful!

Until then I plan to be the ultimate couch/bed potato. Stay tuned!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally on Vacation!

As of this posting I am officially on vacation and out of town. I should be back sometime Sunday the 28th and hopefully my computer will be repaired as well. I have GOT to have that thing in order to get online from home. At the least I can access the blog site on occasion from another location and show up every so often!

Meanwhile, I have just purchased a nice addition to the shack. A friend of mine had a Yaesu MD100A8X desktop microphone that is an accessory to the Yaesu FT-857D I own. Cost of the microphone new is roughly $140. It was offered to me for $50. Needless to say I purchased it and it works great!!! This was something that I really wanted but was a little down the priority list. Now it's taken off the list entirely! Thanks, Rob (KD5FJF)!!!

Still working on potential projects for the future, including some coming additions to my website that anyone visiting should enjoy. Watch for them...

Stay tuned, everyone!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Computer Problems ...AAAARRRGH!!!!!

Well, it seems like I've run into a bit of bad luck. My home computer booted up yesterday morning showing the infamous "blue screen." Not good now when I'm trying to get my blog going continuously and my website better with adding more content to it. Hopefully Sunday afternoon I will be able to get the computer going again with a little help from my friend Rob, KD5FJF. He has the necessary software to make things right. Until Sunday at least I can't access anything.

Eventually I will either get the current computer upgraded (necessary) or buy a new computer (possible). What I will likely do is do both. The current computer, once I get everything done to it that it needs, will be the ham computer most likely. The other computer will be my everyday computer for which everything else will go on it. But I haven't ruled out the possibility that I could get special add-ons for the current one by maybe adding an external hard drive (160 GB at least) and an external DVD/CD +/- rewriteable drive. I will also eventually purchase the West Mountain Radio RigBlaster Pro for it and buy some computer stereo speakers for it also. Trust me, on this cabinet I have about 6 or 7 USB ports built in, and I have a total of 7 slots for adding whatever cards I want! So the sky is truly the limit with the original computer, and I really can't fathom getting rid of it for any reason. It needs to have extra memory added and the OS upgraded to Windows XP, which I will do for sure. Between now and December I should know what I will eventually do for sure, and it should be some kind of combination of all I've mentioned in this paragraph.

Meanwhile, I have ordered the DC cord for my Yaesu FT-8800R from AES and am having it shipped by USPS Priority Express. My guess is that it will arrive either Saturday or Monday, and then I get to begin my personal croosband repeater experiments! I'm ready to play, and as I have said before I am ready to experiment and do things that not many other people (if anyone at all) are doing around in my neck of the woods.

I also realize that I haven't been on 2m simplex lately, for I've had a lot to do this week. Starting this evening after work I plan to be back on 146.520 and I will likely keep it there. I have been on the local repeaters only to talk with my best friend Randy, KA5IIA, of Magnolia as he drives back and forth between there and Temple. His area got hit hard by Hurricane Ike, but he's told me that it was miuch worse in the Houston/Galveston area. After seeing a lot of video and a lot of pictures I have to agree with him.

The Texas QSO Party is the weekend of Sept 27-28. I hope to be on the air for that event, if anything to see how my portable setup does. Possible plans for that weekend include throwing a wire antenna out the south window of the apartment and use it as a sloper and see what it does. Anything I can do to add to my score with the limited setup will help. I should be in the category of TX Single Op Phone, but I won't rule out a Mixed entry since I may use some CW also.

Finally, I will be on vacation next week. I have not had any time off for serious R&R in a long time (over a year) and I plan to enjoy myself. Most likely I will be playing with the ham and scanner gear, and maybe a little philately as well. So I may not be on the blog quite as much as I have lately, and that will depend on when I get my immediate computer problems solved. I'll be around on the air however, so you can catch me there on HF or on simplex around here locally in Central Texas.

Stay tuned...


Weak-Signal Work from an Apartment? Maybe...

My computer did the dreaded "blue screen" thing this morning. Now I'm really chapped, and I'm about to start my vacation too! I have to find something else to do besides sleep in and play online a fair amount of the day. With my resources limited at this point I'll have to try to figure something out, i.e. use someone else's computer for a while. I have things to check that I can't check from home or work since a lot of this stuff is blocked at either place...grrrrrrrrrr...

Anyway, here's another part of my ham radio revival that I'm looking at here: weak-signal work from my apartment. Think I'm crazy? I'm not, really. I'm simply looking to see what I can do and what I can't do. With a small Yagi or quad antenna for either 2 meters or 70 cm I might be able to do a little something, but 2m is more likely. I'm looking into it anyway.

In the short-term, I'm about to order my replacement DC power cord for my Yaesu FT-8800R. Once I get that taken care of then I can begin the process of working toward the start of my crossband repeat experiment and have a little bit of fun! It's only the beginning, and I am now looking toward bigger and better things down the line in Amateur Radio...especially after some conversation with a good friend of mine that has yielded some opportunites that I may likely go for! More to come when that is all ready...

Stay tuned...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crossband Repeater Operation, Anyone?

Well, I am now in the process of planning for a little ham radio activity. A big "to-do" on my list is get a new DC power cord for my Yaesu FT-8800R, and then the fun for me begins. You see, I am and have been a supporter of crossband repeater operation from home or in any portable situation. It has its uses, especially in an emergency situation, and I intend to experiment with this.

The plan is to get the FT-8800R set up to run crossband repeat much of the time, over 50%. For a local repeater or a repeater that covers a wide swath I plan to use lower power, likely in the 5 to 10 watt range. For more distant repeaters I will likely go to higher power. Then, I will move around my neighborhood with my Icom T90A HT and see how far I can move from my apartment without losing the coverage I'm trying to get. I'm sure I'll have dead spots here and there but this is an experiment that I think is worth the effort. 2 meters and 70cm will be the bands of choice obviously, and I plan to utilize both bands often. 70cm will be the input simplex band most of the time but I do intend to use 2 meters in the same capacity on occasion. I may even crossband repeat between 2 simplex frequencies. There are a lot of possibilities here and I intend to explore them.

I have more ideas coming, including weak-signal VHF/UHF (6 meters, 2 meters, and 70cm) work from my apartment. I just need to do the research on this idea. Ham radio is definitely a hobby where you can explore and learn what you can do and what you can't, and now I have a chance to do exactly that!

More to come...


Friday, September 12, 2008

Pray For Galveston

If you're paying attention to what is happening on the Texas Gulf Coast you know what is about to happen. Hurricane Ike is about to make landfall near Galveston late tonight or early Saturday morning.

Say a special prayer for Galveston as the city may very likely be inundated tonight and tomorrow. The area needs it.


Watching For Ike...and Finally Getting on the Air on HF??

Well, now we're watching and waiting for Ike as he continues to move toward Galveston and Houston. If you haven't secured anything of importance along the upper Texas Gulf Coast by now you had better hurry, for the storm arrives overnight tonight. Even here in Bell County, people are at the ready just in case. We were forecast to get hit hard here, but things changed at the last minute and we will now be spared the worst; that will now happen in East Texas, but due to the mammoth size of the hurricane we will definitely get some serious wind and rain. We shall see what happens within the next 24 hours.


In the meantime, it looks like I'm not going anywhere and I will be at home at my apartment this weekend. Beginning with later this afternoon, I will finally begin work to get my ham station set up the way I want it, and that will even include getting my portable HF antenna configured and facing north when I use it and my VHF/UHF antenna moved to the north end of the apartment, along with possibly constructing a wire antenna that I will most likely drape out the window facing south and thrown on the roof that is just below the window and goes out about 30 feet. This wire antenna will be set up in a sloper configuration I believe. I will definitely have my low-pass filter in line, probably between my Yaesu FT-857D and my MFJ-949E antenna tuner which has two SO239 antenna connections. I may eventually set up a twin-lead antenna as well, but I have only begun looking at that idea.

I know I've said this a million times, but it now looks like I will finally be able to get things going concerning Amateur Radio from the apartment. In the future, once I get a replacement DC cord for my Yaesu FT-8800R I plan to begin experimenting with crossband-repeat functions. (I finally got the radio out of the truck my eventual ex-wife has now and will soon give back to the dealership; I had to give up the antenna mount and the DC cord I had in there, just didn't have the time to get those out for it would have taken a lot of trouble to do the job right.)

I want to see how well such an idea of crossband repeating will work around my apartment complex and a little further out, and I may finally get to find out how well this will work. Carrying my Icom T90A HT with me, I can talk back into my FT8800R via simplex and then out to whatever repeater I have set up using crossband repeat functions. It's going to be fun, and I can't wait to see how it all works out. Don't be surprised to hear me on the air and say that I am operating using this type of operating; I do plan to try this often!

Stay tuned, and stay safe this weekend!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

A bit off topic, but considering what today is I feel compelled to comment:

The 7th anniversary of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks is here. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing that morning? I for one certainly do...sitting in a barber shop getting a haircut in Florence, TX when the announcement was made concerning what had happened. It made my blood run cold hearing the news, then it got me really angry.

Right after the announcement, I got a call from Bell County Emergency Management requesting that I bring some ham radio gear to their offices and monitor the situation to see if we could be of assistance. It wasn't necessary for us to offer our help after listening to the various nets in operation, since everything was getting covered in pretty short order. Right after I got the call from BCEM, my wife called me from her job in Austin; she was petrified and needed to talk to me and find out what was up. I told her about the BCEM phone call and we realized that a whole new world had dawned. No one was safe anymore. We were scared, but we would move forward and we did.

The next day after the event, I was playing around on HF a bit calling CQ...and I began to get calls from all over Europe, South America and the Carribbean. Every single station I talked to asked if I was OK and if my family was OK, and each ham I talked to said that he would stand with us and that we had support from the Amateur Radio community. I truly appreciated the kind words and encouragement from everyone in the DX world I talked to that day, and I told everyone that the US would fight back and find who was responsible for what happened. I made sure to thank each person I talked to for their support and caring. Ham radio is a special fraternity; we MUST make sure to keep it that way for future hams!

Today's political environment has caused a lot of us in the USA to forget somewhat what happened that fateful day in 2001. But I haven't forgotten, and neither should you. Our government should be mindful of that day and continue the efforts to find those responsible for what happened on 9/11/2001. We should support our troops that are in far-flung lands finding those who are involved in terrorism and other illegal activities and bringing them to justice. It doesn't matter what political party you belong to, and it doesn't matter who you support for public office at all levels. We must stand up for our country and defend it to the very end if we must. Those airline passengers on Flight 93 did; why in the hell can't we??

We as ham radio operators have a unique opportunity that others do not have. We can monitor communications all over the country and the world as conditions permit. We should provide a special public service to our country and listen into what may be going on. If we hear something that concerns us, we need to report it. You never know: you may foil the next terrorist plot! I'm not asking for us to become heroes; I'm asking that we use our skills and capabilities to serve our country...I don't think that's politically incorrect to say that, nor do I think that I am out of line offering my assistance regardless of political thinking or affiliation.

We have a lot to be thankful for here in the USA; we need to give back, in my view. Stand up and ask what you can do to help.

Stay tuned...


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monitoring the Airwaves During Ike

This weekend will sure be interesting, thanks to Hurricane Ike coming ashore along the Texas Gulf Coast this weekend and moving into Central Texas. For us radio enthusiasts, there will be plenty to listen to and I plan to try to listen to it all. From HF to the local public service frequencies there will be a lot to take in! I'm also prepared to activate my ham station if needed; I just need to ensure within the next day or so that everything is in working order, and I know that it is to be totally honest with you. For us here the biggest threats would be heavy rain/flooding and strong winds, with an isolated tornado not out of the question.

Now if you have interests along the Gulf Coast, you had better insure that all is secure down there for it will not stay in one place if Ike comes ashore as a Category 2 or more. It's very possible he could come ashore as a Cat 4, but the current projections show Ike as a Cat 3 at this time. Nevertheless, get everything tied down and boarded up and get the hell out of there.

Stay tuned for more...


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Watching Hurricane Ike

Well, the moment of truth may arrive by the weekend. Hurricane Ike is moving through Cuba and will soon head for the Gulf of Mexico, forecast to reach the Texas coast by Saturday and come up through Central Texas. Like many others, I am very concerned that this storm will be a really bad boy, likely Category 3 or more when he arrives. If you have interests along the Texas Gulf Coast, make sure that everything there is safe and secure; don't leave anything to chance.


I've been moving things around my apartment lately, sprucing things up and getting a little bit better organized. I've had time to do this recently and I finally got things done. The next thing on my list is to try to add an accessory or two for the ham shack, and I'm going to do this piece by piece and these will be small pieces. I finally got my FT-8800R secure, and I plan to eventually use that for some crossband experimenting from the apartment. I don't know how this will work but I plan to find out...once I get my replacement DC power cord for the FT-8800R. I still have to order it, so it will be a few weeks before I can begin to play with the radio a bit and see what I can do from home. I've wanted to experiment with things for a while, things in ham radio that others just don't do and I am ready for the challenge!

Until next blog...


Friday, September 5, 2008

Criticism of an Informational Website?...and Hurricane Ike

Well, the issue has raised its ugly head again. It seems that someone is worried that I might start "trouble" with the website and blog that I have up now. I know who is doing the yapping, and no I will not name names or call signs. But it is only one person as far as I know, and he is in a position of importance in the local ARRL hierarchy.

I'm trying to figure this out: why would someone moan and complain about a website and/or blog that would be BENEFICIAL to the general public when it comes to weather and Amateur Radio? I'm not slamming anyone, and I'm not putting out false information. Anything I place on my website and blog can be checked with good accuracy; heck, I'm not going to lie or deceive anyone. But this has been going on for several years now, and all attempts to provide a service to the Amateur Radio enthusiast, weather enthusiast and Mr. Joe Public have been slammed as "trouble" or "a problem" or worse. What these people are trying to pull is nothing more than B.S., and I am disappointed in them for doing so. Of course, they choose not to discuss these issues with me face-to-face. I have always offered my help and support, but it always seems that I get turned away or kept in the dark. I think I know what the problem really is: I know and understand a hell of a lot more than they wished I did and I always tell the truth with absolutely no spin. In essence, my website and blog is a threat to them...and this is all politically incorrect. Furthermore, these people wish that I would just go away. Nice try gang, but it's not working!

It doesn't matter ultimately. I will continue to give information that anyone can use and do so in a positive manner. This information can always be double-checked for accuracy and I will try to do my best to keep it as updated as possible. I have ALWAYS wanted to help the communities of Central Texas and elsewhere in a good way, to help those who need help and to educate those in a way that will help those who want to be educated and are tired of the same old ways. You've got to think outside the box sometimes, and not keep your head in the sand. But I guess that there are those who enjoy the feel of sand particles ripping open brain cells. Go ahead and enjoy that aspect of thinking; I have better things to do.


Hurricane Ike is still a dangerous hurricane as of this posting. His sustained wind speed is now at 125 MPH, which makes it a Category 3 hurricane on the Safford-Simpson scale. Currently the forecast takes Ike into the Turks and Caicos Islands, with a potential turn toward the Bahamas and Florida. But with the last 2-3 weeks of the hurricane season being anything but normal, you just can't trust that forecast with good least not yet. Ike will continue to be watched in the meantime. Check the Hurricane Watch Net or other outlets to listen to the latest on this dangerous storm.

Tropical Storm Hanna is expected to make landfall along the Carolina coast this weekend and then eventually move back out to sea as an extratropical system. Heavy rain and high winds will be the main threat along with coastal flooding. It is not likely that Hanna will become a hurricane before landfall but it is still possible. If you have interests in the Carolina and Virginia areas make sure that everything is taken care of.

Tropical Storm Josephine is still swirling out in the open Atlantic but may not survive too much longer. It's in a poor environment for development or even maintaining its current strength. This storm is not expected to make any kind of landfall anywhere; it should affect only shipping lanes and marine life and not much else.

Stay tuned throughout the weekend; I will try to post more as things develop in the tropics and elsewhere!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Watching the Atlantic Closely

Well, we got through Hurricane Gustav, and now we have Hanna, Ike and Josephine coming. It has really been an active two weeks, hasn't it? Hanna has had a weird history, but if you've followed the tropics you know why she's traveled the way she has. Now Georgia and the Carolinas are watching and bracing for what this storm might do.

Hurricane Ike looks more to be a potential problem for the Gulf of Mexico if the current projections hold up. Josephine is an unknown situation at this point; we'll see what she does eventually.

If you wish to help with relief efforts in LA, AR and elsewhere contact the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and other organizations. You can also Google search for other groups that you can donate to.

Stay tuned for more news from the tropics.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Rain in Store?

Well, Central Texas got a lot of rain over the last 1-2 days. Depending on where you live, up to over 10 inches of rain has fallen...and that fell in the Kosse area of far southern Limestone County, east of where I live. Waco has received over 7 inches, and Temple has had nearly 4 inches. More is in store for today, but then the rain chances slack off and temperatures get back to normal.

It's nice to finally see some rain, but maybe we need to dry out a little bit.


Tropical Storm Fay is still creating havoc over Florida, but now there's a chance that she might bump herself up to hurricane status once she gets out over the Atlantic Ocean just east of Jacksonville and thereabouts. In any event, Fay will eventually go back onshore and give north Florida and south Georgia a lot of much needed rain.

There have been a few tornadoes, with some causing major damage but no reports of deaths, thank goodness. But that's part of a tropical system like Fay; tornadoes do spin up very quickly and disappear just as quickly. The Weather Channel gave a good example of that last night.

More to come, including the latest work on my website...


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally...Some Rain

After a long hot dry summer, we are finally getting some much-needed rain here in Central Texas. We got a couple of strong storms yesterday, and this morning there is some light to moderate rain falling throughout the area. Along with the cooler temperatures it feels pretty good right now; I just hope that this sticks around for a couple of days at least. A friend of mine near Valley Mills finally got some good measurable rainfall himself (over an inch as of yesterday) and naturally he's hoping for more. When you're a farmer and you depend on every decent drop of water that falls on your farmland, naturally you appreciate anything you get that falls out of the sky!


Tropical Storm Fay managed to come ashore near Naples, FL overnight, and she's dropping a lot of rain on southern FL now. That's another area that has been very dry and really needs the rainfall. Lake Okeechobee (I hope I spelled that right) was 3 feet low, but 6 inches of rain are forecast for that area. That's just what the doctor ordered, I think, to get the lake level back up there. Haven't heard of any tornadoes breaking out yet, but there's always a possibility of that with an landfalling tropical storm or hurricane. The Hurricane Watch Net was activated as a precaution due to the forecasts of possible strengthening into a minimal hurricane.


I'm still continuing to work on my website and I have updated it to reflect current events in the worldwide Amateur Radio community. The Storm Spotter Central section is still a work in progress but is coming along. I don't think that the SSC section will be ready until later this year, but it will be informative. Not only will this area include the usual stuff you can find in a lot of places, there will ultimately be information about winter weather, droughts, and other useful topics. Severe weather isn't just about severe thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes...even though I do realize that these are the glamour subjects when it comes to weather. There's a whole lot more to learn, everyone!

Beginning around the New Year, I do plan to throw out a Skywarn class schedule for those who might be interested in going to a class. These are always free and open to the public. I'll keep these updated as often as I possibly can and get new dates added as soon as they are available.

More to come...


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monitoring 146.520 MHz...and My MySpace Account

For those who may be passing through the Bell County area of Texas and love to operate simplex, I have now begun monitoring 146.520 MHz regularly now. I haven't heard any trfiic there lately, even though I-35 is nearby and US190 runs through the same area and there's a lot of car/truck traffic on those highways. Get on the air and give me a call during the evening or nighttime, or let me know in advance if you are going to be in the area soon. I can watch out for you then!

Didn't get on the air otherwise this weekend, but I will be doing that soon. Yes, I know I keep saying I'm going to get on the air but things keep coming up. I'll do my best to get on the air this week.


I haven't told hardly anyone, but I have a MySpace account. I've had it since back in February, but have hardly used it until now. I've updated it some, but my special friend Jenny had to access the account for me and change a few things. There will be some updates and such coming soon. Look for either "Warren" or "wr1tx" on MySpace and put in a request to become a friend if you want; please let me know by email FIRST if you are a ham and have every intent to request to become a friend on my personal site. I should be able to update everything around the weekend of August 22-23 and approve or deny anyone that makes a request. Ham radio operators will get high priority, so if you want to be added as a friend just let me know!


I am about to update my website; I have really been slacking on it. But like here on the blog site I have had a lot of things happening and I just haven't been able to get some updates done. But now the updates will soon be there, so hang tight and you should see them soon.

More coming soon...


Friday, August 8, 2008

OK, Let's Try This Again...

To those who usually read this blog site but haven't seen much lately, I do apologize. I've had a lot going on, from being separated from my wife (read the blog post concerning this) to moving to another apartment to work issues and more. Now I have a new person in my life, and she is working hard to help me get my life back in order and even make my life better. Jenny has become a very important part of my life and will continue to be there for me. Ask KB5TDZ in Valley Mills, Texas and he'll tell you a little bit about Jenny and myself.


In the meantime, here's an update as to what has happened over the last couple of weeks:

Hurricane Dolly came ashore near Brownsville as a category 2 hurricane recently. She did do some damage, but she did bring some very beneficial rainfall to the area which was suffering through a very bad drought. Up to 15 inches of rain fell in spots and there was some flooding. But all in all the area got through the storm well.

Tropical Storm Edouard came ashore near the TX/LA border and moved right up through Central Texas. But not long after the storm came ashore, Edouard lost its potency after it moved through the Bryan/College Station area and wimped out on us here in the Waco/Temple/Killeen area. We got a little rain but not much.

Other than that, it's been very hot with temps running up to around 105 in some areas. It's finally beginning to drop off heatwise a little, but let's be honest: how much difference is 98 degrees from 103? It still feels the same; the actual number is simple psychological.


I've finally begun to look at getting my ham station on the air. I started working on the gear this afternoon and got it together pretty much except for one thing, and that is I must go to my storage shed and get an extra run of coax so I can set it up along the walkway railing facing north. I'll do that either later tonight or very early in the morning.

In the meantime, I have begun monitoring 146.520 again. Since I am a member of the Simplex Preservation Society, I really need to monitor .52 a lot more often now since I have gotten myself settled more. So if you're passing through the Temple/Belton area, give me a shout on .52. Or if you know that you will be traveling through the area in the near future, let me know in advance and I'll try to keep a listen for you.


My new friend Jenny has made this very clear: She understands that ham radio is a hobby that is an important part of my life and has been for 17 years. She wants me to enjoy it reasonably and I intend to do that. Of course there is family time and that is certainly more important. But she wants me to pick a day each weekend to spend enjoying the hobby I love so much.

So what am I saying here? Jenny and I have become very close and care very much about each other. She understands me and I understand her, and that is priceless! There could be a future for us, after certain other things happen, and we will then see how it all winds up. But it looks good, and this includes the possibility of moving up to the Valley Mills area next year. We'll see, but for now I'm still here in Temple.

More coming soon...


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Heeeeeeeeeere's Dolly!!!

If you haven't heard for some reason, there is a hurricane in the western Gulf of Mexico. Dolly at this time has just reached Category 1 status and will make landfall near the mouth of the Rio Grande River sometime tomorrow. If you have interests in this area, make sure that everything is taken care of and relatives and family members are safe.

Even though Dolly is a minimal hurricane, she can still do a lot of damage. Heavy rains and flooding, wind damage and even isolated tornadoes are possible anywhere in deep South Texas.

For the latest official information concerning Dolly, go to and click the area of the US map that shows the areas that have hurricane warnings and other related statements in the areas affected.

It's going to be a very long night in the Brownsville area as the weather deteriorates rapidly. Pray for those who are in the path of this storm.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Getting Back Into the Groove...

OK, gang. Now that I have gotten over the initial shock of suddenly having to move, I have finally settled in enough to look at trying to get set up on HF. I'm already up on VHF/UHF, albeit it will be local in scope for the most part...but I want to try HF. Even though I now live in a small efficiency apartment, I have noticed that I can still use my portable MFJ HF antenna to get on HF to some extent, and I have a plan now as to how I can do this.

I have a window that opens to the south and it looks over a lot of roof space. I can simply clamp the antenna bracket in place through the window and lay out the counterpoise wires on the roof. No one will notice the difference. Now if I want to orient the antenna facing north, I can clamp the antenna to a balcony railing that runs along the front of the apartment complex I live in. I would likely do this during the evening/night hours when everyone is probably inside, and run the counterpoise wires along the railing, which would also make a good reflector facing north I think. It worked this way at the previous apartment I lived in, although the "reflector" faced east. No wonder I could get into Florida with such ease!

When do I plan to do this? Probably this weekend, but I really need to design my own QSL card. It may wind up being that I will simply have to purchase some cards and go that way for a while. God, the prices have gone up over the last few years. What used to cost me $50 for 500 cards or more is now the same cost for half that, so I have to be cost-efficient. I will likely wait until my license shows my new address, and it shows in the FCC database and Then I can get started experimenting on HF. I'm also looking at a few possibilities for 2m and 440 from the apartment, and even a little 6 meters also! That is down the road, but I know someone who wants to experiment with this and I get to be the guinea pig. I'll let you know as to how things progress.

Stay least now I can post here again with some regularity, and thanks to everyone who reads the blog and has supported it!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tearing It Up at the Home Run Derby

This is the type of post that I will not normally do, since this blog is for ham radio and weather and such. But the subject matter here is too important not to mention at least some.

Last night was a great night to be a baseball fan. Even better (at least for me) it felt really good to be a Texas Rangers fan.

If you follow baseball enough, you obviously know about the Josh Hamilton story and what he has done this year. Even more, you should know about the demons he has overcome to reach the heights he has this year. If you don't, go to the Texas Rangers website or look through ESPN's archives and you'll find several articles about Josh's rise from near self-destruction.

It wasn't an accident as to how the man rose to the heights he has reached, my friends.

Josh realized what he was doing to himself and placed himself into the Lord's hands. When you put your faith in the Lord, there's no telling what can happen. Last night was simply an example.

Everyone has said this at one time or another: he could very well be dead now if he continued down the path he was on...drugs, alcohol, and more. He fell from the top of the mountain and was now in a deep dark valley. But Josh is back now, and doing what he loves and knows where his talent came from. He's using it to reach out to people, and not only through his bat; he's talking to anyone and everyone at seminars, autograph sessions, anywhere that someone could listen and learn from his experiences. And he now has respect from all levels of baseball, even the Yankee fans who love to hate anyone and everyone that doesn't wear pinstripes. Those fans CHANTED Hamilton's name! I was totally blown away by that, and even Josh said that it send a chill down his a good way, of course.

If Josh can come back from his tribulations and defeat his demons, so can we. We have no excuse, especially if we compare our troubles to what Hamilton went through. Our troubles are nothing in comparison. I have my problems; you have yours. I will get through mine, for I have inspiration. I hope you find the inspiration too.

Finally, I have only one other thing to say about Josh and the kind of person that he is:

You have my total respect and you are truly an inspiration to me and to others. I will forever root for you as you continue your fight back, because not only is such a story almost unheard of, but you had the guts to do it and you have the Lord on your side. I wish there were more like you that stood up and decided to live.

Good luck tonight and in the future, Josh. We're all in your corner.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Trouble Brewing At Home...

Well, here's my first post in over a month. To those who read this blog, I apologize and appreciate you for your support. Here's what's happened lately:

I am in the midst of some serious marital difficulties. My XYL was involved in something with someone else that she should have never done...and this is the second time it's happened in a year. I don't know if the marriage can be saved, but I do know that I am moving out and that is happening this afternoon (my local time).

I am looking forward in my life now, and I do not wish to be lonely in it. I would just like to be with someone that accepts me for who I am and can return to me the love I would give that person, which would be a lot. I don't think it will be my wife now, for she seems to think that we are not compatible anymore. That doesn't mean that what she did was right, however. Most everyone I've talked to concerning this particular event thinks that she screwed up...again.

So I guess I'll throw myself outself and see what happens. I think I can be a good husband and mate for someone who really wants to love a decent guy and to be loved back. That I know I can do; I just hope that that someone out there will read this and give me a chance.

I'm not going to go all over the personals sites just to see what I can find; to be honest I have only signed up on 1 site and I doubt I'll do much more than that. I am talking to someone now, but that's mostly it. I admit that I am lonely and wish for some decent companionship. We'll see what happens, I guess.

I know that this isn't ham radio or weather related, but quite a few people have asked me what has happened lately, with no blog entries or anything like that posted. Now you have my explanation. I just haven't been able to get myself straightened out enough to get back on board with this, that's all.

Again, thanks to everyone who reads and supports my blog. I promise I will do everything I can to get back on board here and continue to do what I've been doing: info about ham radio and weather, and now maybe a bit more about myself.

Be back soon...


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Collecting Amateur Radio Postage Stamps

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this or not, but I do have a second hobby that does relate to Amateur Radio and radio communications. I collect postage stamps, but not just ANY postage stamps...I love to collect those stamps that have Amateur Radio or radio communications as the topic.

This is actually a very interesting part of my radio hobby that is not quite unique but close. There are other hams that do collect stamps, but I haven't heard of many who try to collect the way I do. I've been able to acquire several interesting Amateur Radio stamps from all over the world, and I am always looking to acquire more if I am able to do so. I'm not sure how many I have right now, but the number is growing.

Over the years, many countries have issued stamps that celebrated ham radio and really did a lot of work to add color and content to them. With rare exception, these stamps are very beautiful and intriguing. Unfortunately, one of those rare exceptions is the US. The one stamp devoted to US Amateur Radio operators is, in my humble opinion, rather plain. Don't get me wrong; it's great to have a postage stamp issued that celebrates your favorite hobby, but the artwork could have been a bit better. Oh, well...I do have one of those stamps anyhow!

One thing I am quite a stickler about when it comes to stamp collecting: I do NOT want stamps that are still stuck to envelopes or other paper, nor do I prefer to have had them hinged in another album somewhere owned by someone else. I want them in the best condition I can possibly get, but cost can be a limiting factor. I did see a set of stamps that I hope I can get, but it will be a few more days before I know for sure I will purchase them or not.

I'm considering adding a page to my personal website that will celebrate this special part of my Amateur Radio hobby. If I do, I'll certainly let you know!

Meanwhile, I'm continuing to prepare for Field Day this year...done from home in my apartment. More on that in another blog entry in the coming days...


Friday, May 30, 2008

Seeing an Old Friend

Today at work I ran into Tom Olsen, AE5AP. We didn't have a lot of time but we managed to get caught up with the latest news and stuff. Tom's a good guy, and I think we're on the same wavelength as to where we relate to our Amateur Radio hobby. It's only a hobby, everyone! Why do we have the B.S. we have everywhere now where everyone berates everyone else and so on?

I'm glad I made the decision to leave Temple ARC like I did. It was the same old crap over and over again. Tom reminded me of this: I didn't need a club in order to do what I've ultimately done in the hobby, and he's right. But I do belong to two organizations now and will join a third this coming Tuesday evening. I hope that these groups will do the right thing and work hard to promote our hobby the way it should be. If not, I can do it myself and have fun doing it.

Will it all work out? I sure hope it the meantime, TGIF!!!!!


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oops, Not Done...

I forgot the comparisons of Yagis vs Quagis vs Quads. The Yagis would be heavier due to the aluminum in the air, and the same could be said for the Quagis. But having said that, I have not researched these antennas enough to have a definite answer as to whether or not I will use them or not. The Quad is leading the way right now, and it may stay that way. Only more research will tell.


More on 2m/70cm Simplex Operating...and Yagis vs Quagis vs Quads

I've been getting some favorable comments about simplex operating on 2 meters and 70 cm. It seems that there are those who wish to try different things and experiment. It's great, and this is going to help my confidence.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at the VHF and above antenna possiblities for next year's potential move to a house. The research is still ongoing, but I'm looking at using quad antennas for the 6m, 2m and 70cm bands. If I get 222 MHz capability, a quad is within the realm of possibility there.

Why use quads? The front to back ratio is very good, and the gain is excellent as well. Cubex makes some great quads, but they are a little pricey. They do stand behind their work, though. There's a quad that has 8 elements each for 2m and 70cm for $195 as of now. And it's light, too! That's another consideration I'm looking at.

At least I have a year to research and save, mostly save. I'm looking at purchasing 2-3 quads, with the poles and rotators I will need to turn those things. For me they hold great promise and the ability to explore weak-signal work on VHF/UHF.

Oh, and my XYL approves of these projects!

Ham radio is experimentation; that's what I want to do. The plan is slowly becoming clearer and clearer. Stay tuned...


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nice Weather We're Having Here!

Don't let the post fool you; it's been hot and muggy around here lately until yesterday afternoon when we got a strong line of thunderstorms to move through. The resulting rains really cooled things off for a while, but now the humidity is back more oppressive than ever.

I actually got out and spotted for a bit; I drove up to Scott & White, which is on the highest hill in Temple and most likely Bell County, and kept my eyes to the north. As the rain started. it became quite apparent that no one had an umbrella with them. A lot of people got wet from the 1-2 inch rainfall per hour rate that was falling along with winds at my estimation were 40-45 mph. Mary was listening from the house, so she knew where I was at all times.

Once it became clear there was nothing to really see other than rain, I drove home and spent time with Mary for the rest of the evening. She has a long work day today, so I'll have a couple of hours at least to work on my website...which needs some updating, I know! Maybe I can get the Storm Spotter Central section up and posted where everyone can see it.

I'm looking forward to the first Central Texas Amateur Radio Club meeting on June 3 and the Lone Star Amateur Radio Association meeting on June 10. I think that I am now affiliated with some people that are trying to put their best foot forward for the hobby, and I hope that effort continues...I guess we'll see.

I might put the portable HF antenna back onto the balcony railing and play a little HF also; I'm enjoying having my gear in the house now, and I can operate in comfort. As long as I make sure I'm not screwing up someone else's fun it's all good!

Catch ya later...


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ugh...It's Tuesday, But the Weekend Was Good

Back to work...I really didn't want to go, but I had to. After a 3-day weekend off and being lazy for the most part, wouldn't you feel the same way, especially getting up at 4 am on your day back to work?

At least I had a good Memorial Day weekend. I got to play radio a little bit, especially yesterday with 4 contacts on 30 meters. It seemed like the Southeast was open for me, with 2 QSOs with FL stations, and one each in AL and NC. I needed NC for Worked All States, and I will get a couple of new counties to go along with that.

Mary sat with me as I was working a couple of stations and was as amazed as I with the great reports I got using that little MFJ-1625 Balcony Antenna I've been using. That little jewel is working very well, and I'll keep using it as long as possible. Once we get into our house next year, I'll hang onto this thing and use it at campsites and such, for it's actually compact and the thing works!

Speaking of QSL cards, I went bakc through the recent ones I had received and I realized that I got another county confirmed for New Hampshire. Getting Belknap County confirmed leaves me with only two to go toward completion of NH. The two northernmost ones (I can't remember the names) are the last ones for that state. CW operating has actually helped me get some more counties and prefixes that I might not have gotten otherwise. Now I'm glad I got into Morse for operating. Now if I can get my speed up a bit more I'll try to go after a few of those DX stations...


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Moving the Shack Again...But I Like THIS Move!

I received a surprise from the XYL today...and it was a very good one, too. It was a very unexpected one, I'll admit.

She said I could move my ham gear into the living room of the apartment. She said it with a straight face, too.

Naturally I was a bit skeptical, knowing how she liked her living room set up a certain way. I asked, "Say what?"

She repeated it: "Dear, I want you to move your gear into the living room so you can operate in comfort of the air conditioning." I almost passed out from surprise.

Well, I couldn't believe my ears, but I was very happy. She told me to set it all up by the window facing east and as long as it was fairly neat she didn't care what I did with that part of the living room. She just didn't want me to burn up in the heat and humidity while I operated as well as freeze in the cold during the winter. I agreed with her; that wasn't a good proposition, but I set everything up in the balcony closet so I wouldn't have my stuff in the XYL's way.

But I also saw this as an opportunity to expose her to some different things as well as a chance for me to try something new and different. If you didn't know, Mary has her own call: KD5OGD. She just doesn't get on the air due to the issues that the local ham radio community has had over the years, and I didn't blame her. I still don't to this day, even though I'm a little disappointed about it.

Well, I got everything in and set up, and the area I've got by the east window really looks nice and neat! Mary had a smile on her face and was actually impressed with how I set all the gear and shelving up. The only thing I had to do that didn't look all that great was run 2 sets of coax through the window screens and slip them underneath the windows themselves. I got it all looking decent, and if you keep the shades down enough you can't really tell what was done. On the outside though, you can tell where the coax was run. I'm not going to worry about it though, because Mary said that we'll just pay to replace or repair the screen when we move out next year. Cool!

After I got cooled off and turned on the Yaesu FT-857D and started tuning around, Mary asked me what my future plans were with ham radio. I told her about eventually getting into the digital modes and playing more with weak-signal 2m and 70cm. I'll also do 6m when we get moved into a house somewhere. I told her about how I was saving toward the digital stuff but also the necessary antennas for 6, 2, and 440. The explanation was simple: I wanted to play and experiment, to try different things and have fun doing it. I think Mary's noticed that I have begun to have fun again with Amateur Radio. It took my leaving the Temple ARC to do it, but I am actually enjoying the hobby again and enjoying it with others who feel the same way I do.

Tomorrow's Memorial Day, and I don't have any real plans other than sleeping in some. But I will likely get on the air and see what I can do, 30 meters being the most likely at this point, but I may do 20 and above also.

I'm even experimenting on 2 meters, and Mary watched me try this: I actually got on 144.075 and called CQ using CW. I got no takers but I did hear someone tuning up while I was calling CQ. OK, so now I know someone actually monitors the CW subband on 2; I just wish he would have answered! I'll keep trying; I am going to enjoy the experimentation, and I'm not messing up anyone's electronics in the adjacent apartments either, thanks to the filters I've installed. I don't interfere with anything at all on 2 meters and up, and nothing at all on HF either; I haven't tried 6 yet. Thank goodness for that Drake low-pass filter I bought for a song at Ham Expo in Belton. $10 and I saved everyone a lot of grief, even for myself.

Now I'm really ready to play and experiment. Anyone else want to play and have fun???


Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Plans

TGIF...I mean, really. It hasn't been an easy week. But it's almost over now...

Of even more importance, Memorial Day weekend is upon us. It's not only the family BBQ get-togethers, the family vacations, and such; it's more about honoring those who sacrificed their lives so our country may be free from tyranny. We must remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. As for me and my family, we remember...and we thank those who currently serve in all branches of the armed services for their hard work, determination, and personal sacrifice.

But now, my weekend plans? I do plan to get on the air this evening for a few hours on HF; I realized that I haven't done that in over a month. Just been too busy with other things. On Saturday, I plan to drive to Mineral Wells with the XYL and her younger sister to visit someone there. I had hoped to take the truck so I could play on 2m FM simplex; I don't think that's going to happen now. Oh, well...I'll just read and maybe doze a bit in the back seat while the girls are driving and acting silly.

Sunday looks like an easy day. After going to morning church services, we pretty much have a free day. More lounging around, but I do plan to play a little HF if I can.

On Monday, Memorial Day, I'm not sure what we'll be doing first, other than sleeping in. I had thought about the lake, but Temple Lake Park will be so we may rule that out. Play it by ear, that's what we usually say.

To Gary, KD5ABQ (before I forget), if you're reading this blog: Sorry I wasn't on the net last night; things came up at the last moment and I had to deal with them right then. I will make the CTARC inaugural meeting on June 3.

I do hope that your Memorial Day weekend plans go off without a hitch, and that you take a moment to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It only takes a moment, but it is worth it.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Planning for the Future, Part 2

As I stated in my previous post, my XYL and I agreed that we need to save money in order to do the things we want to do in life. (Read the original post to get the details.) I have finally figured out a way to get money into savings, PayPal, and my change tin (a Christmas popcorn tin I finagled from work).

This means that I have to get a bit creative in how the money is to be saved, but I have devised a plan that will work. That and the fact that we have been able to get a couple of bills paid down and reworked to our advantage will make this plan work. Mary doesn't really know it yet, but in time this plan will have some serious money stashed away. Between my savings account, my PayPal account and my change tin I should plenty of money to reach the goals I have set for myself as well as doing some things for the XYL that she wants to eventually do. This will make the household a pretty happy place! The only downside is that I may have to slow down on the purchases of postage stamps for my stamp collection, especially the mint Amateur Radio stamps I have found through a great dealer on eBay.

Now all I have to do is just watch the plan work and stick to it for the next year and see where this leads. The ultimate plan is by Christmas of 2009 or January 1, 2010 I will have the shack of my be able to do whatever I want to do in Amateur Radio, and however I want to do it.

The shack will consist of multimode capability from 80 meters to 70 centimeters. Modes used will be SSB, CW and digital, with possibly some SSTV thrown in for kicks. I highly doubt I will use DSTAR. 222 MHz will likely be just FM, but if I have a multimode 222 rig drop in my lap I won't turn it down! The antennas will be Yagis or quads for 50 through 440 MHz, and I will likely use loop antennas for HF. Of course this will depend on the size of the yard and what the XYL might want to do.

If I can do this, I plan to have a great mobile setup in the vehicle I would be driving in all the time. (There might be a second vehicle purchased that would be in good consition in order for this to happen.) HF and maybe 6 meter capability would be available there, along with 2 meters and 70cm FM. If I can get another Yaesu FT-857D along with a dual-band FM mobile and the needed antennas, that project will be done as well!

So there are the plans. Of course they can change, but this would be the ideal setup if I knew I could get it done! We'll see what happens over the next year.

Meanwhile, I'm still working on my website, especially the STORM SPOTTER CENTRAL section. There are still some more additions and corrections I need to make, but I think I should have everything ready by mid-June I think. Why so long? I just want to make sure the available information on those pages are current and viable, just like the rest of the website. It's actually pretty easy to put everything together; it's just a matter of making time for it all and making sure there are no mistakes. I have also figured out that I will have to add one more page to the website, and that is to showcase my Amateur Radio stamp collection. This is something that not very many hams are doing, and I have been working to really enhance my stamp collection with these special stamps. One of these days I will have a program for clubs that will consist of QSLing and postage. The Amateur Radio stamps will add a very nice touch, I think.

Stay tuned...there's more to come!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Planning For the Future

Last night, my XYL Mary and I sat down and talked about what we want to do in the future. You know, places to go and things to do...all of which need some money saved and time taken off from work down the road. We decided that we would take a couple of trips and also make sure I would be able to purchase ham gear to enjoy as the months and years glide by.

This was something we hadn't done in the past, and it was nice to talk about it. I recognized her wants and needs, and she recognized mine. We're going to work together to achieve these. And we've already made a good start, since I have begun saving toward our goals in some very interesting ways. I'm looking 1-2 years down the road for my goals, while we may be looking at a little sooner for her goals. The bottom line is we are taking the time to figure out what we want to do in our leisure time; you can't just work, work, have to recharge on occasion, and we're going to do that. We'll have a better idea of that once Mary gets past her orientation period at her new job, which has several more weeks to go.

My list of wants is already in place, and so is Mary's; now we just need to put together the extra money and time.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

June is National Amateur Radio Simplex Month

As you have noticed by the title, June is National Amateur Radio Simplex Month, sponsored by the Simplex Preservation Society. I've begun to monitor the simplex frequencies of both 146.520 and 446.000 MHz lately, and I would hope other hams do the same. It's especially a good idea to do so whenever you're on the road, even if there are a lot of repeaters along your route. Believe it or not, there are quite a few hams that at least monitor 146.520 MHz. I've actually had some great conversations with a few hams over the years traveling up and down Interstate 35 in the past, and now with the new mobile station going I plan to have more of them. At home I do monitor the repeaters, but on the road I now monitor 146.520.

How about you?


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Another Busy Day...

My XYL Mary and I went out with her sister Debbie today to check out a few garage sales and a market in Belton. I didn't see anything I wanted, but the girls found a few things. I go ahead and go to these sales because you will never know what you might find.

Meanwhile, I am planning my next several purchases. I'm still looking to get into digital operating modes later this year, and then possibly purchasing a couple of Yagis or even quad antennas for VHF/UHF. I am also looking into purchasing 222 MHz gear in the future, but that might not happen until sometime in 2009. I'm also looking to getting two computers we have at the house upgraded to use. One will go to my stepdaughter in Lufkin, while the other one will be in the ham shack (operating closet). I believe that the computer upgrades will happen before I purchase the digital mode gear. These computers will be have their OS's bumped up to Windows XP Professional, along with the other necessary upgrades and repairs that will need to happen. But once they are taken care of...look out!

Another thing I need to take care of are books that are dedicated toward modes like PSK31 and packet. Packet, you say? Isn't that an antiquated mode of operation? Well, yes...but you never know when you need it. It's just like CW; more and more people are using it for fun and possibly an emergency situation, just like me. Anyhow, I am continuing my plan like I have been for quite some time: I want to have as much operating capability as possible at any time, regardless of operating mode. One day...I will have it. I don't think that's too much to ask, you think?


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Severe Weather This AM...

We had a surprise this morning...a possible tornado sprung up near Salado. Nothing definite yet, but there was damage on the northern outskirts of town on I-35 near the exit 286 area. Radar images were showing a possible tornado, and spotters were out checking to see what was going on. I would have been out there except for the fact that I had to go to work.

More on this later, along with the LSARA meeting I went to in Round Rock last night...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Still a Little Bit Ill...

I'm still a little bit ill this morning, but I have improved compared to the last few days. I finally bought some Mucinex to take for the congestion, and I'll tell you this: 2 of the Mucinex along with a full dose of NyQuil will make you feel weird! But at least the combo is helping me clear some of the junk from my lungs, and that's what I need. I don't want a repeat of last year where I was sick with this respiratory junk for a month and more.

I also need to say this for those who do read the blog here, and I now know that some of you do: If you would like to post a reply to anything I throw onto my blog site, by all means do so! I don't care if it's on the site in public or by private email; I'd really like to hear from you and get your thoughts. As long as the comments aren't vulgar or seriously derogatory in nature to me and my family, I really don't care. I can and may be enlightened, so feel free to comment anytime!


Monday, May 12, 2008

Under the Weather

Sorry for not blogging over the weekend or working on the website, but I have had a very nasty respiratory ailment that has had me kept under wraps for a bit. I'll get through this, but in the meantime I'm here at work and I feel awful.

The mobile installation was completed Saturday afternoon and everything works great! Thanks to Rob (KD5FJF) and his son Kevin for doing such a great job. I couldn't have done this without you two guys!


Friday, May 9, 2008


Thank God it's Friday. It's been a long week for me, but it's almost done now. I'm still here at work, toiling away at my desk...but 90 minutes from now it will be Heaven.

I hope that I can get my Yasesu mobile station installed this afternoon, but I have to go to Radio Shack and buy an external speaker to go with it. It seems like I forgot that little detail when I was in Austin last Saturday. That's OK; this RS speaker is amplified so it really should work better than the standard Yaesu stock external speaker. The cost is around $35, but it just might be worth it...especially if I'm trying to hear the radio over the noise of a very hard rain or large hail pinging onto the truck, or an extracurricular activity...well, you get the point.

If this can all be installed fairly swiftly, it will be sweet and I can show it off in Round Rock on Tuesday night at the LSARA meeting. Now, if i can get the XYL to let me have a scanner installed permanently in the truck, complete with mobile antenna...


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stormy Weather Again

Well, we had some interesting weather in Falls, Robertson and Leon counties last night. A severe thunderstorm formed in the western part of Falls County and just created all kinds of havoc. The worst part of it was a series of at least 3 confirmed touchdowns of tornadoes in Robertson County (I counted 4 myself) that uprooted trees and knocked down power lines on FM 46 SE of Bremond. There was also baseball sized hail confirmed. Thankfully, no injuries were reported...but I'm sure it was scary in that part of Central Texas.

You could see the storm quite nicely from Temple, even through the trees where I live in south Temple. Quite impressive I thought, and it just served as another reminder about severe weather in Texas, the southern edge of Tornado Alley!

Maybe I can get my Yaesu radio installed in the truck this afternoon...


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An Important Personal Anniversary

I am celebrating an important anniversary. It was 17 years ago today that I received my very first ham radio license. I was a Technician-Plus licensee and I was very happy to get that ticket. It didn't take long for me to get on the air, but I did go through my jitters and nervousness just like anyone else does when they grab the microphone for the first time.

Now 17 years later, I don't even give it a second thought whenever I grab the mic. It's part of me and it always will. It's the new things that I am about to try thta make me nervous, yet excited...just like I was on this date 17 years ago.

So how am I going to celebrate this milestone? I doubt I'll do much, to be honest. I don't need to create a scene or call attention to myself, for it's just a simple milestone. Maybe when the QCWA writes me to request my membership in their group will it really hit me. But 17 years is a long time, and I have enjoyed it all...the friendships, the knowledge gained, and so on.

I hope the next 17 years will be good to me just like the previous 17, except minus the hiccups along the way.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

...and Cometh Some More

Well, the rain has let up for now but it's forecast to come back late tonight and early Wednesday morning. I guess I can deal with it; I'm tired of seeing our county colored in on all the burn ban maps.

Still waiting for the tax rebate, I mean "stimulus package," that we're supposed to be getting. I checked the IRS site, and they tell me that it will be this week when it gets here. Since I did my taxes by electronic means and used direct deposit, it should be here by this Friday. I'm not complaining if that's the case. I just might take the XYL out for a special day on Saturday or Sunday. I'll see how the end of this week plays out.

Now I'm thinking about adding another piece of equipment that is a bit pricey: a Uniden BCD-396T, which scans all trunking modes including P25, EDACS Standard and Narrow (great for scanning those TXU 4800 baud systems), Motorola Type I and II, and LTR. I would LOVE to have both a portable scanner that does all this as well as a base unit that does likewise. But since that is not reasonable at this point and time, I'll go for the BCD-396T. This will also cover the new Fort Hood trunked system that's in the 380 MHz Federal band, which I would love to listen to!

I'm always looking for something new to enhance my radio communications hobbies, aren't I?


Monday, May 5, 2008

The Rain Cometh...and Cometh...and Cometh...

Well, I'm glad I decided to drive the XYL to work and keep the truck for the day until she is finished and ready to come home. It began to rain soon after I got parked and went inside. And it doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon, either.

Normally I would walk to work and take advantage of the exercise opportunity, but today I just felt like driving. Now I won't be all wet, except when I walk between my office and the main hospital campus (Scott & White in Temple). I already got wet once; I'm looking at twice more now. All I need is my body wash and a towel and I could have my shower done for the day already!

Maybe not...I'm not sure anyone would want to look at me while I was bathing in the rain. There's a place called "jail" that I wouldn't want to be in...


Sunday, May 4, 2008

New Bell County Amateur Radio Club Forming

I just got word (and an invitation) to attend the first meeting of the Central Texas Amateur Radio Club, which will be held on June 3 at the Bell County EOC in Belton. I'm going to attend this meeting and see what is planned for this new entity.

I'm not really sure what my presence will mean, but since I resigned from TARC I don't think it will matter. I want to do something in Amateur Radio that will make a difference to others as well as to myself, and I think I might be able to get it done with membership in both CTARC and the Lone Star Amateur Radio Association (LSARA), based in Williamson County.

I feel badly for the Temple ARC (TARC), but that club blew the opportunities it had to do something in the Bell County arena and elsewhere. I see the club dying, but I have chosen not to go down with the ship and to go elsewhere to be a positive influence and to help those who need it.

I'm sorry, TARC; you had enough chances, and you screwed it all up. It's too bad that you lost who used to be one of your biggest


$570 Later...

Well, the trip to Austin to the "candy store" was very fruitful! I purchased a new Yaesu FT-8800R VHF/UHF mobile, and a Comet SBB-7NMO dual-band antenna which will be mounted on a triple-magnetic mount. That mount holds very well! In addition I purchased a new ARRL Repeater Directory for '08-'09 and a book from the ARRL about HF digital communication. This is in line with my plans for the future as to how my station will evolve.

The main issue is simply to get the power cables run from the radio to the battery in the truck for the 2m/70cm gear, but I haven't found a place to run the cables yet. I don't plan to wait long to do this, for I want the mobile station to be completely operational by the end of next weekend so I can make my trip to Round Rock for the LSARA meeting on May 13.

But at least I have things in motion, and this was with the blessing of the XYL! I love the lady no matter what happens, but she wants me to enjoy my hobby and this will certainly help. She still talks about the events of the end of April when we had that severe weather roll through and all I could really use to talk to her was the cell phone. Not a good idea, especially for someone like myself who knows better. On top of that, Mary was quite the decision to buy the gear for the truck was easy.

Stay tuned; I think things are getting better on the home ham radio front!


Friday, May 2, 2008

Going to the Candy Store!

Sorry I haven't posted here, but I've been busy with work and a few other things. I did manage to get rid of a vehicle that has actually served me well in a time of need, and that was my 1990 Pontiac Bonneville. This car needed a new paint job, new brakes, and some other things...but it got me around town when I needed to go somewhere. 200,000 miles and the thing was still going.

Well, I sold the car last night to a gentleman who lived out on the west side of Temple for $1000. He brought someone with him, who said that it was actually a good deal. I gladly handed him the keys, the title, registration, and the car itself. In return he handed me 10 nice $100 bills and wished me good night. I think I'll actually miss that car a little, but it's a part of a personal history I would rather forget.

So what happens with the cash? I'm going to Austin on Saturday morning to purchase the dual-band mobile gear that my XYL said I could buy! It's likely I will spend about $600 of it, but it will be worth it...since I plan to do some storm spotting again and will need the gear on trips in the future. It's not HF (what I would prefer overall) but this will do nicely in a local/regional situation.

Most of the decisions have been made as to what radio to buy and the antenna mount (if it works like I want it to). I still need to decide what antenna to get, but I'll make that decision when the other stuff falls into place.

Now, I'm still waiting for the tax rebate check to get here so I can maybe make one more major purchase, and that is likely the RigBlaster Pro or Plus for digital mode operation. I have the radio, and I have the computer. I just need a set of speakers and the RigBlaster...and then I'll be set! If this all comes together, I could have a really cool and compact ham station in a closet when it's all said and done...and I won't need to buy much more until Mary and I move into a house sometime in 2009. Once that happens, I hope to have antennas available for 50, 144 and 440 MHz, hopefully some 222 MHz gear, and enough space to throw up some good loop antennas for HF. It's a long-range plan, but if I can pull this off it will be very satisfying for me to be able to do almost whatever I want to do in Amateur Radio from home. It's also possible that I could have a great mobile station from 3.5 to 440 Mhz, too. It will be worth the effort to save my change and up my PayPal account so I can do this, and I have a year to do it in so I can't play around.

Wish me luck on all of this!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shopping For Ham Gear

I'm still shopping for ham gear for the truck, and I will be ready to order once either the IRS sends that rebate check a lot of us have been waiting for, or if and when I get my junkmobile car sold. I'm down to simply choosing between two dual-band mobiles, a magnet mount for the antenna, and the antenna itself.

For the radio I will likely go with theYaesu FT-8800R, simply because I would get the remote kit free (special promotion, same thing when I bought my Yaesu FT-857D); it was either that or the Alinco DR-635T, which is around $30-40 higher in price almost everywhere. The mag-mount will likely be a triple magnet style with a 3/8 x 24 connector, and if it will hold on the top of the cab of the truck like I want it too then I will purchase that. The antenna? Well, I'm not sure just yet but I want to get as much gain as I can without having the antenna too high above the cab, and it does need to be flexible. Once the money I need gets here, then I'll see what I can do. It does look like I will be making a trip to Austin Amateur Radio Supply soon...


Went to my church's men's softball game tonight. The guys have been telling me that they weren't that good, but I will tell you that they played a pretty good game. They still lost, 10-8 in 6 innings, but played very well after falling behind 10-2 after two innings. I had a great time out there! They want me to play, but I do have a balky left knee that I am really afraid to mess up. I'll coach first or third base if needed, or help in the dugout. The important thing is that I had fun with a great group of guys and I'm going to continue that as much as I can.

Now if my Texas Rangers will get on a winning streak...nah...


I heard from the Temple ARC president last night. He was very disappointed and didn't understand my reasoning for getting out of the club. He's only been around the club for 2 years; I've been around it one way or another for 17 years. I think I know a bit about what's been going on in all that time. I'll give the man this: he did try to talk me out of leaving, but I told him that I had had enough and wanted to move on. I blamed the leadership overall, but he blamed the members. That's not very smart in my opinion, and if the members that cared heard that...I don't think they'll be very happy. I'm not an idiot, and the letter I sent was very plain as to why I had left. If he didn't get it, then that's not my fault...and that's too bad.

If TARC doesn't get it going like it needs to, the club will die. And I don't want to be around to see it happen.


Monday, April 28, 2008

It's a Great Day!

Today has been a wonderful day. I woke up feeling great after my baptism on Sunday morning, and I spent a wonderful day with my XYL Mary. We drove to Waco to eat at Weinerschnizel (I hope I spelled that right) and when we got back to Temple we stopped at Dairy Queen for a Blizzard ice cream treat. Along the way we talked about almost everything, and even about the radio installation (yes, she still wants that). I have some options that are available, and now I think I know what I will ultimately do. This decision will depend on certain factors, but mostly if a certain type of magnet mount will work decently. If it does, the other installation questions can easily be answered.

I have received a couple of emails concerning my resignation from TARC. My decision wasn't questioned so much; but the reasons why were debated. Since these people hadn't been licensed very long, I told them about the last 10-15 years and how that related to the present. These people understood, and they wished me the best. I was given a promise that they will stay in contact and that there will be some projects that we could work on together. Knowing the individuals the way I do, I know they are telling the truth and I do expect to hear from them again soon. At least there are a few that understand my actions, and I hope that others do as well. I guess we will see...

Right now the weather is peaceful and serene. It's a far cry from the events of Friday afternoon and evening, when 5 tornado touchdowns were reported in Bell County. It was an awesome storm, and I got a first-hand look at it when I drove out to West Temple and got to see golf ball-sized hail all over me, along with what I believe was the tornado touchdown at Morgan's Point. It was scary, but I do live for that sort of thing; that event also made the XYL realize that good radio communications was needed in the truck. Maybe this event will make people improve their emergency plans or make them if there are none, and maybe make hams areawide improve their communications capabilities if they haven't already done so. Carrying an HT or just a cell phone doesn't cut it, everyone. I was in that position with both an HT and cell phone, and I knew it wasn't enough; I was just fortunate to know when to turn back when things got really bad.

The research has definitely begun to work on getting the gear for the truck that I really do need to have, and thankfully my wife understands that and appreciates it now. She's learned too; will you?

To all who read this: God bless you all, and have a wonderful day!


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Testing the Low Pass Filter, and the XYL Wants a Dual-Band Mobile Installed!

I tried out the Drake low-pass filter I purchased at Ham Expo last Saturday for a song, and it works!!! I did some test transmissions on both 40 and 80 meters using CW and phone with great results: NO television interference at all.

This was probably the best $10 I may have ever spent; now I wouldn't mind having a few more, maybe a bandpass filter for 6 meters if I could find one since I still have to do this apartment living for 1 more year at least.


I got a big surprise today. My XYL Mary, KD5OGD, wants me to have a VHF/UHF mobile installed in our Dodge Dakota pickup!

I was shocked when she told me this; I actually said, "No way. You're kidding me, right?" She assured me that she wasn't, and at that point I knew that she had realized my love for Amateur Radio was very strong. My storm spotting adventure on Friday afternoon with just an HT helped her realize that I needed good equipment to do that kind of public service, and of course to stay in touch with each other for general purposes also.

So now, I'm researching several possible ways to get some good dual-band gear into the truck. The radio to use will likely be the Yaesu FT-8800. The antenna will be a different story, since I would prefer a permanent mount. But I may use one of those triple-magnet mounts for the roof of the truck; those mounts never get blown off! If I go that way, then the antenna choice will depend more on gain...and I want a LOT of gain. 4-7 dBd gain would be good as far as I'm concerned.

I'm seeking help from those who have a slightly better idea about these things than I do; I do hope that the gear will be installed before the end of May. I have to wait for those IRS refunds, you know?

What helped in this decision is that when Mary and I took a trip down toward Del Rio a couple of months ago, we had such a blast but would have loved to have some ham gear in the truck. HF would have been ideal, but VHF/UHF would have been fine too. If I had the gear in the truck when we were driving through Del Rio, I could have possibly talked to some Mexican hams right across the Rio Grande from the city. Who knows? At the worst, 146.520 MHz would have been fun.

I guess the recent decisions I have made concerning a few things have helped in this decision. Friday's weather events had probably helped, too. Oh, yes...Mary said that she might want to go on a storm spotting trip also.

Am I in Heaven on Earth? It sure seems that!


Baptism This Sunday

Just to throw this out there for everyone to see:

My baptism will be tomorrow, April 27, at Heights Baptist Church in Temple. The location is West Ave M and South 49th Street. The service begins at 11 am with the baptism of myself and one other person. The services are always good, and you do get a feeling that the Lord is present in the building. Everyone is invited to come, and I really hope to see all of you there.

Have a good day, but keep your eyes to the skies this evening!


Wild Evening in Bell County, Texas

It was a crazy evening in Bell County yesterday. Severe thunderstorms were everywhere, and tornadoes were dropping out of the sky at a moments notice. Hail as big as softballs were reported in many locations.

I actually went out to spot for a bit and try to see something if I could. I saw enough for sure! I wound up in the far north side of Temple and swung around toward the west toward the airport, Moffat, and Morgan's Point. I saw a definite wall cloud, but the tornado was on the ground and the debris cloud was just over the horizon where I couldn't see.

I then moved west on Adams Ave toward Lake Belton. The hail began and started to get larger the further west I went. Once the hail reached larger than golf ball size I decided that was it. This was at West Adams and State Highway 317. I moved south toward Belton for a few blocks then turned back toward Temple. When you have only an HT for communications into a regional weather net it's not a good idea to keep going! Anyway, the hail became much more numerous and I had to duck under a bank drive-through area, where 6 other cars were parked. I immediately became the center of attention when they saw I had a cell phone and my HT with me!

I gave updates to everyone that was there until the hail stopped and it just rained very hard. Everyone then left, and I headed for home on the south side of Temple. My wife Mary was very worried about me, knowing where I was at during the height of the storm. Things finally settled down, and Mary went to bed early. For the rest of the evening I followed the storms on radar and the various TV stations, watching them slowly roll through the Austin area and other points south. Those areas didn't get anywhere near the weather we did here in Bell County!

Now the forecasts are calling for more severe weather this evening through tomorrow morning...and I'm supposed to be baptized on Sunday. Well, I will not miss my baptism under any circumstances, but I will be watching the weather regardless!


Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, I've decided to do it. I'm resigning from all positions I have held within the Temple Amateur Radio Club, and it's high time I woke up to do it...and here is the main reason why I decided to do this:


Now I know I'm going to catch a lot of flack for it by some people, but the general membership has already said they are not happy with the current state of affairs by not attending the meetings, by not enthusiastically volunteering to participate in club activities, and by not running for club positions. Why? The club isn't giving the members what they need; they're being fed the same old bull time after time after time. yes, there has been promises to start doing different things, to provide real topics of interest for programs at meetings, and so on. The result has been the same: it just doesn't happen. This is really true; several long-time members have told me this, that they are not happy.

The biggest issue is still the animosity shown by some club officials toward others, and when someone comes up with a novel idea it gets shot down. Here's something else: For TARC's Ham Expo, I received offers from members of two other clubs to help with the gates, with no request for a slice of the monetary pie in return. They just wanted to help, that's all. What do a few people within the TARC Board of Directors do? They slam me. They are worried that these clubs will start requesting a share of that pie, even though they don't want that. I have told a high-ranking member of a nearby club this, and he agrees with me, knowing TARC's past for it truly is.

So what is a club secretary to do, one who really cares (or cared) how his club is doing and how it is perceived by others? Get out while he still has his dignity, that's what.

Now please don't get me wrong here: I am not slamming the club itself. TARC has a very long and rich history. The club helped me get my ham license and I have participated in many events that I was personally fulfilled by being involved with them. I worked a lot of Field Days, parades, and emergency situations with the club. But the club itself has not collectively kept up with the changes that have appeared on the Amateur Radio landscape, and that's due to certain practices and thought processes that the organization refuses to change or expounge. The club's board of directors is who sets the tone for the membership, and it hasn't set much of one, nor has it followed through on what it has said it would do for the last several years.

It's time for me to move on.

So what am I going to do now? I have already received offers from 3 or 4 clubs, including a new club in Williamson County has seems to show a lot of promise and progress. I've talked to this club's president, and he understands. He's told me to come aboard, and I will likely do so.

Now with Field Day coming on, I have a decision to make. I plan to participate, but I'm not sure how just yet. Likely I will operate from my little balcony station at my apartment, and that will be easier now since I purchased a good Drake low-pass filter at Ham Expo for $10. These things are a classic, and still fetch around $30-35 at dealers. I could operate at 30 meters and above without getting into the AC lines, but on 40 and 80 I would see the TV interference. If I operate from home, I plan to use mostly CW, but in some clear spots I intend to use a little SSB. But if a club offers an opportunity for me to get on board with them, I may do that also.

To wrap it up here, I'm saying goodbye to the Temple Amateur Radio Club. I'm saying this to the organization, but not the members themselves because I have a lot of friends in the club. They just haven't been going to the meetings, and they are frustrated.

I hope the TARC Board of Directors will pay attention now...