Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Plans

TGIF...I mean, really. It hasn't been an easy week. But it's almost over now...

Of even more importance, Memorial Day weekend is upon us. It's not only the family BBQ get-togethers, the family vacations, and such; it's more about honoring those who sacrificed their lives so our country may be free from tyranny. We must remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. As for me and my family, we remember...and we thank those who currently serve in all branches of the armed services for their hard work, determination, and personal sacrifice.

But now, my weekend plans? I do plan to get on the air this evening for a few hours on HF; I realized that I haven't done that in over a month. Just been too busy with other things. On Saturday, I plan to drive to Mineral Wells with the XYL and her younger sister to visit someone there. I had hoped to take the truck so I could play on 2m FM simplex; I don't think that's going to happen now. Oh, well...I'll just read and maybe doze a bit in the back seat while the girls are driving and acting silly.

Sunday looks like an easy day. After going to morning church services, we pretty much have a free day. More lounging around, but I do plan to play a little HF if I can.

On Monday, Memorial Day, I'm not sure what we'll be doing first, other than sleeping in. I had thought about the lake, but Temple Lake Park will be so we may rule that out. Play it by ear, that's what we usually say.

To Gary, KD5ABQ (before I forget), if you're reading this blog: Sorry I wasn't on the net last night; things came up at the last moment and I had to deal with them right then. I will make the CTARC inaugural meeting on June 3.

I do hope that your Memorial Day weekend plans go off without a hitch, and that you take a moment to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It only takes a moment, but it is worth it.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Planning for the Future, Part 2

As I stated in my previous post, my XYL and I agreed that we need to save money in order to do the things we want to do in life. (Read the original post to get the details.) I have finally figured out a way to get money into savings, PayPal, and my change tin (a Christmas popcorn tin I finagled from work).

This means that I have to get a bit creative in how the money is to be saved, but I have devised a plan that will work. That and the fact that we have been able to get a couple of bills paid down and reworked to our advantage will make this plan work. Mary doesn't really know it yet, but in time this plan will have some serious money stashed away. Between my savings account, my PayPal account and my change tin I should plenty of money to reach the goals I have set for myself as well as doing some things for the XYL that she wants to eventually do. This will make the household a pretty happy place! The only downside is that I may have to slow down on the purchases of postage stamps for my stamp collection, especially the mint Amateur Radio stamps I have found through a great dealer on eBay.

Now all I have to do is just watch the plan work and stick to it for the next year and see where this leads. The ultimate plan is by Christmas of 2009 or January 1, 2010 I will have the shack of my be able to do whatever I want to do in Amateur Radio, and however I want to do it.

The shack will consist of multimode capability from 80 meters to 70 centimeters. Modes used will be SSB, CW and digital, with possibly some SSTV thrown in for kicks. I highly doubt I will use DSTAR. 222 MHz will likely be just FM, but if I have a multimode 222 rig drop in my lap I won't turn it down! The antennas will be Yagis or quads for 50 through 440 MHz, and I will likely use loop antennas for HF. Of course this will depend on the size of the yard and what the XYL might want to do.

If I can do this, I plan to have a great mobile setup in the vehicle I would be driving in all the time. (There might be a second vehicle purchased that would be in good consition in order for this to happen.) HF and maybe 6 meter capability would be available there, along with 2 meters and 70cm FM. If I can get another Yaesu FT-857D along with a dual-band FM mobile and the needed antennas, that project will be done as well!

So there are the plans. Of course they can change, but this would be the ideal setup if I knew I could get it done! We'll see what happens over the next year.

Meanwhile, I'm still working on my website, especially the STORM SPOTTER CENTRAL section. There are still some more additions and corrections I need to make, but I think I should have everything ready by mid-June I think. Why so long? I just want to make sure the available information on those pages are current and viable, just like the rest of the website. It's actually pretty easy to put everything together; it's just a matter of making time for it all and making sure there are no mistakes. I have also figured out that I will have to add one more page to the website, and that is to showcase my Amateur Radio stamp collection. This is something that not very many hams are doing, and I have been working to really enhance my stamp collection with these special stamps. One of these days I will have a program for clubs that will consist of QSLing and postage. The Amateur Radio stamps will add a very nice touch, I think.

Stay tuned...there's more to come!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Planning For the Future

Last night, my XYL Mary and I sat down and talked about what we want to do in the future. You know, places to go and things to do...all of which need some money saved and time taken off from work down the road. We decided that we would take a couple of trips and also make sure I would be able to purchase ham gear to enjoy as the months and years glide by.

This was something we hadn't done in the past, and it was nice to talk about it. I recognized her wants and needs, and she recognized mine. We're going to work together to achieve these. And we've already made a good start, since I have begun saving toward our goals in some very interesting ways. I'm looking 1-2 years down the road for my goals, while we may be looking at a little sooner for her goals. The bottom line is we are taking the time to figure out what we want to do in our leisure time; you can't just work, work, have to recharge on occasion, and we're going to do that. We'll have a better idea of that once Mary gets past her orientation period at her new job, which has several more weeks to go.

My list of wants is already in place, and so is Mary's; now we just need to put together the extra money and time.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

June is National Amateur Radio Simplex Month

As you have noticed by the title, June is National Amateur Radio Simplex Month, sponsored by the Simplex Preservation Society. I've begun to monitor the simplex frequencies of both 146.520 and 446.000 MHz lately, and I would hope other hams do the same. It's especially a good idea to do so whenever you're on the road, even if there are a lot of repeaters along your route. Believe it or not, there are quite a few hams that at least monitor 146.520 MHz. I've actually had some great conversations with a few hams over the years traveling up and down Interstate 35 in the past, and now with the new mobile station going I plan to have more of them. At home I do monitor the repeaters, but on the road I now monitor 146.520.

How about you?