Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Looking Forward to June...

Well everyone, we are well on our way toward summer and it will be here before we know it. For me this summer will provide me with opportunities to pursue ham radio that I haven't had in a long time.

I'm looking at the possibility of operating from Jenny's family's reunion and campout at Lake Whitney June 18-21. If I do that I'll make sure to get some special QSL cards showing my portable operation from there. I'll let everyone know if I do decide to do that.

The following weekend (June 26-28) I plan to be in Magnolia visiting Randy, KA5IIA, and operating with a Houston-area QRP group for Field Day. My car will also be set up for mobile operation, and that is what I'm really looking forward to.

Finally, I'm still working on plans for operating bicycle mobile but the gear will be different from what I had originally planned. I'm now looking at possibly buying the Yaesu FT-10R or -10SR since this series is weather resistant and is Bluetooth capable. With those two options I really can't go wrong there!

I'm also back on the air more at home. I worked AF5DM who lives in Plano on Monday night on 40m CW. We had a great 40-minute chat that could have lasted a long time if we chose to. We are both members of FISTS and SKCC so we exchanged numbers among other information. I should be back on the air later this week.

Stay tuned...