Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More New Ideas...

OK, gang...if I don't already have enough ideas and plans in place to have happen in the future (both near and far-flung) then here's another one: Operating bicycle mobile.

That's right. Bicycle mobile. Are you kidding, you ask? Nope, and here's why:

1) I need to get myself in shape. I'm well overweight (about 70 pounds) and need to lose a good chunk of my gut. I used to enjoy riding bicycles all the time and I know I would love doing it again.

2) You know I HAD to include Amateur Radio in the mix, right? If I'm going to try something new I will always ask if I can include my favorite hobby, and in this case I can. The research is ongoing now, with the radio (Yaesu FT-817ND) and antennas (Hamsticks) already decided. All I need to do is raise the cash to do this.

3) There are already quite a few hams that do this for fun and exercise. (Google Bicycle Hams of America or Ham Radio Bicycling or similar; there's plenty to read up on there.) There's even one ham that I know of that uses only his bike as his means of transportation! (Oh, heck no...I'm NOT going to bike back and forth to work each day; that's a 90 mile round trip...sorry!) Around Bosque and McLennan counties there are plenty of roads and trails to bike on, so it will not be a problem figuring out where to ride. And with the radio gear that I would have with me along with the cell phone, I can easily stay in touch no matter where I'm at.

Bicycle mobile is not the only thing I'm looking at. I'm also looking at operating Pedestrian Mobile. Now you ask the same thing: Why operate that way? I'd rather stay at home and operate in total comfort. Well, the reasons are the same as for bicycle mobile, and it would be fun of course...just like bicycle mobile would be! (Google HFPack for more details.)

There are obstacles to these ideas for sure, but with a little ingenuity and cash I can get it done. Our hobby allows us to experiment and I plan to do this as much as I can! Isn't it what our hobby is all about?


Well, it looks like I will be in the Houston area for Field Day this year. Randy (KA5IIA) and I will try to hook up with a local QRP club down there and will do some operating that weekend. It also looks like that I may get the mobile installation taken care of while I'm there! Trust me, that WOULD be nice. We will see, for things may yet change again.


It's been pretty wet in the Bosque Valley and elsewhere in Central Texas. No flooding here but Limestone County got hit hard within the last 48 hours of this post with around 7-11 inches of rain! That's a lot of water. Elsewhere, an EF-1 tornado hit NE Williamson County around Jonah and Weir. No one was hurt but a good bit of stuff got thrown around!


How many of you got to go to the Belton HamExpo earlier in April? I got to go and I spent some money for once...$205 to be exact. But I needed everything I bought, including around 200 ft of ladderline and a Carolina Windom thrown in for practically nothing! I'm going to get it the ladderline installed once the weather gets better; hopefully that will help me on 80 meters a lot better. Right now I can only use about 50 watts output on 80 or otherwise I get a little RF burn and a little arcing in my tuner. That won't do. Also, I can't get above 17 meters reliably. So I have to try the ladderline and install the Windom. I'll let you know what happens.

Stay tuned...