Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Back...Sorry!

God, it took so long to get back into my website and stuff! Work blocks everything and I can't get into another computer while mine is still down. Too many things have happened lately and I can't get it all together it seems. Oh, well...

I do plan to make some major announcements in the near future. I can't even drop a hint as to what these will be right now, but I will benefit greatly from them as a person and my life will be a whole lot better for it. When I'm ready to spill it all I will let everyone know.

But for now I'm here and I'm going to try to get caught up where I can, here on the blog as well as my website which has suffered from my absence. I like to keep everything updated, so it's been hard on me that I haven't been able to do that. Please be patient, for once certain things happen it will all be a lot better.

Stay tuned (patiently, please)...