Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Little HF This Weekend, Maybe?

Ok, gang...I know I've said this before and I'm saying it again, but I'm actually going to try playing on HF this weekend using my MFJ portable antenna. Believe it or not I'm not going anywhere, just staying home and play a little CW and possibly a little phone if the opportunity is there. I hope that I can come through this time around!

I didn't get to do the Texas QSO Party this year but will certainly try to do it next year for sure. I was out of town for almost a week on a last-minute occurrance and couldn't help it. I need to cut that back if I can.

Here's something I'm looking at trying to do: try to enter a few state QSO parties using CW only. I may not score that much but if I can possibly get a win or two in my category in one of those contests I would be really happy. Of course my slower speed would hamper me a bit but who knows? You gotta try in order to have a shot at winning.

I received bad news concerning my computer. A virus hit me real hard and the best fix is to simply get another OS for the darn thing. Since I was considering moving up to Windows XP anyway, I guess I'll have to spend the cash and move up to that OS. It will be worth it in the long run anyway, and once I have it installed things should be fine. I can then make that computer do some really cool things. It will likely take a month for me to get the software (likely on eBay) but it will be worth the wait.

Stay tuned...


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ready For the Weekend

It's only been 3 days since I got back from vacation and I'm already looking forward to the weekend. I got slammed with work while I was gone and I got absolutely no help whatsoever. And my co-workers want me to help with a chili cookoff on Friday??? Sorry, no dice; I have way too much work to do. I swear, I can't wait until Friday gets here; I'm playing ham radio this weekend and no one is going to change my mind. I need a breather from all of this...I guess I can't take a vacation the way I want to anymore. But that's OK.

I'm looking at a few additions to my ham gear, and these will all fall under the accessories column. But more importantly, I need to find a new OS for my computer; a virus got hold of it and crashed everything. At least I have backups on flash drives and I have Open Office, an open source version of Office that works very well. You can get it for free on the Internet or you can buy a copy on CD for under $20. Either way you can't lose at all. In the meantime I have to go to eBay and find an unopened original version of Windows XP, NOT an OES of it. Here goes $100...

Stay tuned...


Monday, September 29, 2008

Vacation Is Over...

Well everyone, the vacation is finally over and I am back at work. As expected, I had a large workload sitting there waiting for me as well as what will likely be a normal Monday setup.

In other words, I'm screwed for a couple of weeks at least.

But I had a decent time off. I wish I had been able to do a couple of things I had originally wanted to do but I did get to realize where I stand on some other issues. Meanwhile, my computer is still down but it has been getting worked on. I plan to check on it today and see if it's ready to come home so I can play on line again. Other than that I plan to play a little ham radio as I had originally planned.

But for now I had better get to work and see what's in store for me...stay tuned.