Thursday, September 25, 2008


So far my vacation has gone well. I am resting and relaxing at my location and I intend to continue doing so. But my mind's wheels are turning as to what I intend to start doing when I get back home:

1) Get my butt on HF. I have been saying that I plan to get on the air on HF but things keep coming up and I don't get there. I have my new QSL cards ready to go but I just haven't been able to get on the air on HF. I promise I'll try when I get back home!

2) Experiment with my newfound crossband repeat capability. I plan to do this while walking around my neighborhood and see how well this works out from within my apartment. I don't expect great success, but if I can do a little something within at least a mile or two I should be fine. For now I will not announce any PL or DCS tones I am using but I may eventually do that.

3) Expand my website. There is now a beginning process in place that will eventually result in some technical articles being placed on my website. Randy, KA5IIA, and I are working on these and we will see how it all turns out. My site has always been available for anyone who wanted to discuss a personal project or operating event but for some reason I haven't had any takers. Well. someone has to take the lead on this and I guess we will see what happens with this collaborative project between Randy and myself.

4) Make sure my computer is fixed! My computer went down not long before I went on vacation; it should be fixed by the time I get back on Sunday the 28th. When I get it home I'll get it together and then see what peripherals I can add to it and make the thing more useful!

Until then I plan to be the ultimate couch/bed potato. Stay tuned!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally on Vacation!

As of this posting I am officially on vacation and out of town. I should be back sometime Sunday the 28th and hopefully my computer will be repaired as well. I have GOT to have that thing in order to get online from home. At the least I can access the blog site on occasion from another location and show up every so often!

Meanwhile, I have just purchased a nice addition to the shack. A friend of mine had a Yaesu MD100A8X desktop microphone that is an accessory to the Yaesu FT-857D I own. Cost of the microphone new is roughly $140. It was offered to me for $50. Needless to say I purchased it and it works great!!! This was something that I really wanted but was a little down the priority list. Now it's taken off the list entirely! Thanks, Rob (KD5FJF)!!!

Still working on potential projects for the future, including some coming additions to my website that anyone visiting should enjoy. Watch for them...

Stay tuned, everyone!