Saturday, April 26, 2008

Testing the Low Pass Filter, and the XYL Wants a Dual-Band Mobile Installed!

I tried out the Drake low-pass filter I purchased at Ham Expo last Saturday for a song, and it works!!! I did some test transmissions on both 40 and 80 meters using CW and phone with great results: NO television interference at all.

This was probably the best $10 I may have ever spent; now I wouldn't mind having a few more, maybe a bandpass filter for 6 meters if I could find one since I still have to do this apartment living for 1 more year at least.


I got a big surprise today. My XYL Mary, KD5OGD, wants me to have a VHF/UHF mobile installed in our Dodge Dakota pickup!

I was shocked when she told me this; I actually said, "No way. You're kidding me, right?" She assured me that she wasn't, and at that point I knew that she had realized my love for Amateur Radio was very strong. My storm spotting adventure on Friday afternoon with just an HT helped her realize that I needed good equipment to do that kind of public service, and of course to stay in touch with each other for general purposes also.

So now, I'm researching several possible ways to get some good dual-band gear into the truck. The radio to use will likely be the Yaesu FT-8800. The antenna will be a different story, since I would prefer a permanent mount. But I may use one of those triple-magnet mounts for the roof of the truck; those mounts never get blown off! If I go that way, then the antenna choice will depend more on gain...and I want a LOT of gain. 4-7 dBd gain would be good as far as I'm concerned.

I'm seeking help from those who have a slightly better idea about these things than I do; I do hope that the gear will be installed before the end of May. I have to wait for those IRS refunds, you know?

What helped in this decision is that when Mary and I took a trip down toward Del Rio a couple of months ago, we had such a blast but would have loved to have some ham gear in the truck. HF would have been ideal, but VHF/UHF would have been fine too. If I had the gear in the truck when we were driving through Del Rio, I could have possibly talked to some Mexican hams right across the Rio Grande from the city. Who knows? At the worst, 146.520 MHz would have been fun.

I guess the recent decisions I have made concerning a few things have helped in this decision. Friday's weather events had probably helped, too. Oh, yes...Mary said that she might want to go on a storm spotting trip also.

Am I in Heaven on Earth? It sure seems that!


Baptism This Sunday

Just to throw this out there for everyone to see:

My baptism will be tomorrow, April 27, at Heights Baptist Church in Temple. The location is West Ave M and South 49th Street. The service begins at 11 am with the baptism of myself and one other person. The services are always good, and you do get a feeling that the Lord is present in the building. Everyone is invited to come, and I really hope to see all of you there.

Have a good day, but keep your eyes to the skies this evening!


Wild Evening in Bell County, Texas

It was a crazy evening in Bell County yesterday. Severe thunderstorms were everywhere, and tornadoes were dropping out of the sky at a moments notice. Hail as big as softballs were reported in many locations.

I actually went out to spot for a bit and try to see something if I could. I saw enough for sure! I wound up in the far north side of Temple and swung around toward the west toward the airport, Moffat, and Morgan's Point. I saw a definite wall cloud, but the tornado was on the ground and the debris cloud was just over the horizon where I couldn't see.

I then moved west on Adams Ave toward Lake Belton. The hail began and started to get larger the further west I went. Once the hail reached larger than golf ball size I decided that was it. This was at West Adams and State Highway 317. I moved south toward Belton for a few blocks then turned back toward Temple. When you have only an HT for communications into a regional weather net it's not a good idea to keep going! Anyway, the hail became much more numerous and I had to duck under a bank drive-through area, where 6 other cars were parked. I immediately became the center of attention when they saw I had a cell phone and my HT with me!

I gave updates to everyone that was there until the hail stopped and it just rained very hard. Everyone then left, and I headed for home on the south side of Temple. My wife Mary was very worried about me, knowing where I was at during the height of the storm. Things finally settled down, and Mary went to bed early. For the rest of the evening I followed the storms on radar and the various TV stations, watching them slowly roll through the Austin area and other points south. Those areas didn't get anywhere near the weather we did here in Bell County!

Now the forecasts are calling for more severe weather this evening through tomorrow morning...and I'm supposed to be baptized on Sunday. Well, I will not miss my baptism under any circumstances, but I will be watching the weather regardless!


Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, I've decided to do it. I'm resigning from all positions I have held within the Temple Amateur Radio Club, and it's high time I woke up to do it...and here is the main reason why I decided to do this:


Now I know I'm going to catch a lot of flack for it by some people, but the general membership has already said they are not happy with the current state of affairs by not attending the meetings, by not enthusiastically volunteering to participate in club activities, and by not running for club positions. Why? The club isn't giving the members what they need; they're being fed the same old bull time after time after time. yes, there has been promises to start doing different things, to provide real topics of interest for programs at meetings, and so on. The result has been the same: it just doesn't happen. This is really true; several long-time members have told me this, that they are not happy.

The biggest issue is still the animosity shown by some club officials toward others, and when someone comes up with a novel idea it gets shot down. Here's something else: For TARC's Ham Expo, I received offers from members of two other clubs to help with the gates, with no request for a slice of the monetary pie in return. They just wanted to help, that's all. What do a few people within the TARC Board of Directors do? They slam me. They are worried that these clubs will start requesting a share of that pie, even though they don't want that. I have told a high-ranking member of a nearby club this, and he agrees with me, knowing TARC's past for it truly is.

So what is a club secretary to do, one who really cares (or cared) how his club is doing and how it is perceived by others? Get out while he still has his dignity, that's what.

Now please don't get me wrong here: I am not slamming the club itself. TARC has a very long and rich history. The club helped me get my ham license and I have participated in many events that I was personally fulfilled by being involved with them. I worked a lot of Field Days, parades, and emergency situations with the club. But the club itself has not collectively kept up with the changes that have appeared on the Amateur Radio landscape, and that's due to certain practices and thought processes that the organization refuses to change or expounge. The club's board of directors is who sets the tone for the membership, and it hasn't set much of one, nor has it followed through on what it has said it would do for the last several years.

It's time for me to move on.

So what am I going to do now? I have already received offers from 3 or 4 clubs, including a new club in Williamson County has seems to show a lot of promise and progress. I've talked to this club's president, and he understands. He's told me to come aboard, and I will likely do so.

Now with Field Day coming on, I have a decision to make. I plan to participate, but I'm not sure how just yet. Likely I will operate from my little balcony station at my apartment, and that will be easier now since I purchased a good Drake low-pass filter at Ham Expo for $10. These things are a classic, and still fetch around $30-35 at dealers. I could operate at 30 meters and above without getting into the AC lines, but on 40 and 80 I would see the TV interference. If I operate from home, I plan to use mostly CW, but in some clear spots I intend to use a little SSB. But if a club offers an opportunity for me to get on board with them, I may do that also.

To wrap it up here, I'm saying goodbye to the Temple Amateur Radio Club. I'm saying this to the organization, but not the members themselves because I have a lot of friends in the club. They just haven't been going to the meetings, and they are frustrated.

I hope the TARC Board of Directors will pay attention now...


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Newfound Faith

This week has been very busy for me. I guess you've noticed that, since I haven't changed anything here on the blog site, or even on my web page. Wonder why?

Well, my wife and I are going through a major transition period. We are changing our lives. It's been a long time coming, but it is now happening: Mary and I have decided to turn our lives over to the Lord.

Now you're saying, "Whoa, wait just a minute! Why did you do that??" Well, we have had something missing for a long the very least we felt that way. But now our lives are happy and full and we are finally moving forward after the adult lives we have led really didn't get us anywhere. We're good people, but we just couldn't get over the hump, I guess you could say.

Now I'm not going to push the Bible onto anyone, or say to anyone, "You had better change or you're going to Hell!!!", without that person willing to listen. But I will now begin to start doing a few things here and there that will now reflect this dramatic change in my life. Little things here and there that will help me witness to those who wish to hear anything about God. I'm still going to talk about Amateur Radio, weather, and other things...but these things will now be tied together in ways that I can't really put into least not yet. I'm sure that the Lord will show me the way to do this.

If you follow the Lord, please help us celebrate the newfound faith and life that my wife Mary and I have found. It's abundant and plenty, and it's there for everyone who seeks it. All youhave to do is ask the Lord to come into your life and take away all your sin, and to ask forgiveness and to live your life for the Lord. It's not hard to do. Just do it.