Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Newfound Faith

This week has been very busy for me. I guess you've noticed that, since I haven't changed anything here on the blog site, or even on my web page. Wonder why?

Well, my wife and I are going through a major transition period. We are changing our lives. It's been a long time coming, but it is now happening: Mary and I have decided to turn our lives over to the Lord.

Now you're saying, "Whoa, wait just a minute! Why did you do that??" Well, we have had something missing for a long the very least we felt that way. But now our lives are happy and full and we are finally moving forward after the adult lives we have led really didn't get us anywhere. We're good people, but we just couldn't get over the hump, I guess you could say.

Now I'm not going to push the Bible onto anyone, or say to anyone, "You had better change or you're going to Hell!!!", without that person willing to listen. But I will now begin to start doing a few things here and there that will now reflect this dramatic change in my life. Little things here and there that will help me witness to those who wish to hear anything about God. I'm still going to talk about Amateur Radio, weather, and other things...but these things will now be tied together in ways that I can't really put into least not yet. I'm sure that the Lord will show me the way to do this.

If you follow the Lord, please help us celebrate the newfound faith and life that my wife Mary and I have found. It's abundant and plenty, and it's there for everyone who seeks it. All youhave to do is ask the Lord to come into your life and take away all your sin, and to ask forgiveness and to live your life for the Lord. It's not hard to do. Just do it.

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