Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ham Expo This Weekend!

As a lot of you likely know, Ham Expo in Belton is this Saturday. I will be there, handling the gate coordination. From what I know so far, it looks like there will be a good turnout.

This event will be at the Bell County Expo Center in south Belton, just off I-35 to the west. I do hope that everyone can attend!


Monday, April 14, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

I am in the process of having to make a big decision about my ham radio hobby here in Bell County. There's a lot involved, and I do not plan to rush this decision. This has been weighing heavy on my mind.

At this time I do not plan to disclose what I am considering, nor who I am talking with. I'm waiting for certain events to pass before I decide what to do.

When I make my decision as to what I will do, I will post it here. Until then, I will not discuss this unless I feel I have no choice.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why Can't We Get Along?

It seems to me that over the last few years that instead of getting on the air and going to club meetings and such, the thing "to do" is to get on a reflector of some kind and flame or degrade each other. Why is that?

Stupidity, and nothing else.

No one is better than anyone else; we're just different in how we approach things. Of course we won't disagree on everything, or maybe much of anything. But I'm tired of seeing posts that basically say that people are morons or worse. It may also be that one person has wronged another, but you sure don't take that dirty laundry to the email reflectors and face-to-face encounters at meetings. But people are doing it. Sheer stupidity.

Haven't we realized that other people besides hams and weather enthusiasts might be reading these posts? The average Internet user can read these things too. I'll bet a lot of them are saying, "Sheesh, I don't to hang around those guys; no wonder no one wants to get into their hobby."

Sadly, they're right in saying that and we aren't doing anything to change that. As long as this kind of thing continues, we will not look good in the general public's eyes...literally. We need to do something about that.

And it starts with using kind words toward everyone. As our parents have often told us when we were (much) younger: If you can't say something nice toward another person, don't say anything at all.

And in this day and age, that advice rings true more than ever.


Here We Go!

Here I go, setting up a blog and hoping in some way my blog, personal website, and personal experiences can help the world in a positive way. We'll see, I guess...but for now...

I will speak my mind, but I won't flame anyone or speak out without a good reason to do so. I am honest, and I care about my fellow man. This blog will and should reflect who I am and how I live my life and how I treat others. But I do respect the opinions of others, and those opinions will be shown here. I don't mind if and when you comment on them, as long as the comments are reasonable.

The postings will be by topic. That means it will be Amateur Radio, weather and topics related to these. Nothing else. Period.

Have fun reading...