Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Collecting Amateur Radio Postage Stamps

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this or not, but I do have a second hobby that does relate to Amateur Radio and radio communications. I collect postage stamps, but not just ANY postage stamps...I love to collect those stamps that have Amateur Radio or radio communications as the topic.

This is actually a very interesting part of my radio hobby that is not quite unique but close. There are other hams that do collect stamps, but I haven't heard of many who try to collect the way I do. I've been able to acquire several interesting Amateur Radio stamps from all over the world, and I am always looking to acquire more if I am able to do so. I'm not sure how many I have right now, but the number is growing.

Over the years, many countries have issued stamps that celebrated ham radio and really did a lot of work to add color and content to them. With rare exception, these stamps are very beautiful and intriguing. Unfortunately, one of those rare exceptions is the US. The one stamp devoted to US Amateur Radio operators is, in my humble opinion, rather plain. Don't get me wrong; it's great to have a postage stamp issued that celebrates your favorite hobby, but the artwork could have been a bit better. Oh, well...I do have one of those stamps anyhow!

One thing I am quite a stickler about when it comes to stamp collecting: I do NOT want stamps that are still stuck to envelopes or other paper, nor do I prefer to have had them hinged in another album somewhere owned by someone else. I want them in the best condition I can possibly get, but cost can be a limiting factor. I did see a set of stamps that I hope I can get, but it will be a few more days before I know for sure I will purchase them or not.

I'm considering adding a page to my personal website that will celebrate this special part of my Amateur Radio hobby. If I do, I'll certainly let you know!

Meanwhile, I'm continuing to prepare for Field Day this year...done from home in my apartment. More on that in another blog entry in the coming days...