Thursday, September 25, 2008


So far my vacation has gone well. I am resting and relaxing at my location and I intend to continue doing so. But my mind's wheels are turning as to what I intend to start doing when I get back home:

1) Get my butt on HF. I have been saying that I plan to get on the air on HF but things keep coming up and I don't get there. I have my new QSL cards ready to go but I just haven't been able to get on the air on HF. I promise I'll try when I get back home!

2) Experiment with my newfound crossband repeat capability. I plan to do this while walking around my neighborhood and see how well this works out from within my apartment. I don't expect great success, but if I can do a little something within at least a mile or two I should be fine. For now I will not announce any PL or DCS tones I am using but I may eventually do that.

3) Expand my website. There is now a beginning process in place that will eventually result in some technical articles being placed on my website. Randy, KA5IIA, and I are working on these and we will see how it all turns out. My site has always been available for anyone who wanted to discuss a personal project or operating event but for some reason I haven't had any takers. Well. someone has to take the lead on this and I guess we will see what happens with this collaborative project between Randy and myself.

4) Make sure my computer is fixed! My computer went down not long before I went on vacation; it should be fixed by the time I get back on Sunday the 28th. When I get it home I'll get it together and then see what peripherals I can add to it and make the thing more useful!

Until then I plan to be the ultimate couch/bed potato. Stay tuned!


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