Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally on Vacation!

As of this posting I am officially on vacation and out of town. I should be back sometime Sunday the 28th and hopefully my computer will be repaired as well. I have GOT to have that thing in order to get online from home. At the least I can access the blog site on occasion from another location and show up every so often!

Meanwhile, I have just purchased a nice addition to the shack. A friend of mine had a Yaesu MD100A8X desktop microphone that is an accessory to the Yaesu FT-857D I own. Cost of the microphone new is roughly $140. It was offered to me for $50. Needless to say I purchased it and it works great!!! This was something that I really wanted but was a little down the priority list. Now it's taken off the list entirely! Thanks, Rob (KD5FJF)!!!

Still working on potential projects for the future, including some coming additions to my website that anyone visiting should enjoy. Watch for them...

Stay tuned, everyone!


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