Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Plans

TGIF...I mean, really. It hasn't been an easy week. But it's almost over now...

Of even more importance, Memorial Day weekend is upon us. It's not only the family BBQ get-togethers, the family vacations, and such; it's more about honoring those who sacrificed their lives so our country may be free from tyranny. We must remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. As for me and my family, we remember...and we thank those who currently serve in all branches of the armed services for their hard work, determination, and personal sacrifice.

But now, my weekend plans? I do plan to get on the air this evening for a few hours on HF; I realized that I haven't done that in over a month. Just been too busy with other things. On Saturday, I plan to drive to Mineral Wells with the XYL and her younger sister to visit someone there. I had hoped to take the truck so I could play on 2m FM simplex; I don't think that's going to happen now. Oh, well...I'll just read and maybe doze a bit in the back seat while the girls are driving and acting silly.

Sunday looks like an easy day. After going to morning church services, we pretty much have a free day. More lounging around, but I do plan to play a little HF if I can.

On Monday, Memorial Day, I'm not sure what we'll be doing first, other than sleeping in. I had thought about the lake, but Temple Lake Park will be so we may rule that out. Play it by ear, that's what we usually say.

To Gary, KD5ABQ (before I forget), if you're reading this blog: Sorry I wasn't on the net last night; things came up at the last moment and I had to deal with them right then. I will make the CTARC inaugural meeting on June 3.

I do hope that your Memorial Day weekend plans go off without a hitch, and that you take a moment to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It only takes a moment, but it is worth it.


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