Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Planning For the Future

Last night, my XYL Mary and I sat down and talked about what we want to do in the future. You know, places to go and things to do...all of which need some money saved and time taken off from work down the road. We decided that we would take a couple of trips and also make sure I would be able to purchase ham gear to enjoy as the months and years glide by.

This was something we hadn't done in the past, and it was nice to talk about it. I recognized her wants and needs, and she recognized mine. We're going to work together to achieve these. And we've already made a good start, since I have begun saving toward our goals in some very interesting ways. I'm looking 1-2 years down the road for my goals, while we may be looking at a little sooner for her goals. The bottom line is we are taking the time to figure out what we want to do in our leisure time; you can't just work, work, work...you have to recharge on occasion, and we're going to do that. We'll have a better idea of that once Mary gets past her orientation period at her new job, which has several more weeks to go.

My list of wants is already in place, and so is Mary's; now we just need to put together the extra money and time.


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