Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally...Some Rain

After a long hot dry summer, we are finally getting some much-needed rain here in Central Texas. We got a couple of strong storms yesterday, and this morning there is some light to moderate rain falling throughout the area. Along with the cooler temperatures it feels pretty good right now; I just hope that this sticks around for a couple of days at least. A friend of mine near Valley Mills finally got some good measurable rainfall himself (over an inch as of yesterday) and naturally he's hoping for more. When you're a farmer and you depend on every decent drop of water that falls on your farmland, naturally you appreciate anything you get that falls out of the sky!


Tropical Storm Fay managed to come ashore near Naples, FL overnight, and she's dropping a lot of rain on southern FL now. That's another area that has been very dry and really needs the rainfall. Lake Okeechobee (I hope I spelled that right) was 3 feet low, but 6 inches of rain are forecast for that area. That's just what the doctor ordered, I think, to get the lake level back up there. Haven't heard of any tornadoes breaking out yet, but there's always a possibility of that with an landfalling tropical storm or hurricane. The Hurricane Watch Net was activated as a precaution due to the forecasts of possible strengthening into a minimal hurricane.


I'm still continuing to work on my website and I have updated it to reflect current events in the worldwide Amateur Radio community. The Storm Spotter Central section is still a work in progress but is coming along. I don't think that the SSC section will be ready until later this year, but it will be informative. Not only will this area include the usual stuff you can find in a lot of places, there will ultimately be information about winter weather, droughts, and other useful topics. Severe weather isn't just about severe thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes...even though I do realize that these are the glamour subjects when it comes to weather. There's a whole lot more to learn, everyone!

Beginning around the New Year, I do plan to throw out a Skywarn class schedule for those who might be interested in going to a class. These are always free and open to the public. I'll keep these updated as often as I possibly can and get new dates added as soon as they are available.

More to come...


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