Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monitoring 146.520 MHz...and My MySpace Account

For those who may be passing through the Bell County area of Texas and love to operate simplex, I have now begun monitoring 146.520 MHz regularly now. I haven't heard any trfiic there lately, even though I-35 is nearby and US190 runs through the same area and there's a lot of car/truck traffic on those highways. Get on the air and give me a call during the evening or nighttime, or let me know in advance if you are going to be in the area soon. I can watch out for you then!

Didn't get on the air otherwise this weekend, but I will be doing that soon. Yes, I know I keep saying I'm going to get on the air but things keep coming up. I'll do my best to get on the air this week.


I haven't told hardly anyone, but I have a MySpace account. I've had it since back in February, but have hardly used it until now. I've updated it some, but my special friend Jenny had to access the account for me and change a few things. There will be some updates and such coming soon. Look for either "Warren" or "wr1tx" on MySpace and put in a request to become a friend if you want; please let me know by email FIRST if you are a ham and have every intent to request to become a friend on my personal site. I should be able to update everything around the weekend of August 22-23 and approve or deny anyone that makes a request. Ham radio operators will get high priority, so if you want to be added as a friend just let me know!


I am about to update my website; I have really been slacking on it. But like here on the blog site I have had a lot of things happening and I just haven't been able to get some updates done. But now the updates will soon be there, so hang tight and you should see them soon.

More coming soon...


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