Friday, August 8, 2008

OK, Let's Try This Again...

To those who usually read this blog site but haven't seen much lately, I do apologize. I've had a lot going on, from being separated from my wife (read the blog post concerning this) to moving to another apartment to work issues and more. Now I have a new person in my life, and she is working hard to help me get my life back in order and even make my life better. Jenny has become a very important part of my life and will continue to be there for me. Ask KB5TDZ in Valley Mills, Texas and he'll tell you a little bit about Jenny and myself.


In the meantime, here's an update as to what has happened over the last couple of weeks:

Hurricane Dolly came ashore near Brownsville as a category 2 hurricane recently. She did do some damage, but she did bring some very beneficial rainfall to the area which was suffering through a very bad drought. Up to 15 inches of rain fell in spots and there was some flooding. But all in all the area got through the storm well.

Tropical Storm Edouard came ashore near the TX/LA border and moved right up through Central Texas. But not long after the storm came ashore, Edouard lost its potency after it moved through the Bryan/College Station area and wimped out on us here in the Waco/Temple/Killeen area. We got a little rain but not much.

Other than that, it's been very hot with temps running up to around 105 in some areas. It's finally beginning to drop off heatwise a little, but let's be honest: how much difference is 98 degrees from 103? It still feels the same; the actual number is simple psychological.


I've finally begun to look at getting my ham station on the air. I started working on the gear this afternoon and got it together pretty much except for one thing, and that is I must go to my storage shed and get an extra run of coax so I can set it up along the walkway railing facing north. I'll do that either later tonight or very early in the morning.

In the meantime, I have begun monitoring 146.520 again. Since I am a member of the Simplex Preservation Society, I really need to monitor .52 a lot more often now since I have gotten myself settled more. So if you're passing through the Temple/Belton area, give me a shout on .52. Or if you know that you will be traveling through the area in the near future, let me know in advance and I'll try to keep a listen for you.


My new friend Jenny has made this very clear: She understands that ham radio is a hobby that is an important part of my life and has been for 17 years. She wants me to enjoy it reasonably and I intend to do that. Of course there is family time and that is certainly more important. But she wants me to pick a day each weekend to spend enjoying the hobby I love so much.

So what am I saying here? Jenny and I have become very close and care very much about each other. She understands me and I understand her, and that is priceless! There could be a future for us, after certain other things happen, and we will then see how it all winds up. But it looks good, and this includes the possibility of moving up to the Valley Mills area next year. We'll see, but for now I'm still here in Temple.

More coming soon...


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