Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Rain in Store?

Well, Central Texas got a lot of rain over the last 1-2 days. Depending on where you live, up to over 10 inches of rain has fallen...and that fell in the Kosse area of far southern Limestone County, east of where I live. Waco has received over 7 inches, and Temple has had nearly 4 inches. More is in store for today, but then the rain chances slack off and temperatures get back to normal.

It's nice to finally see some rain, but maybe we need to dry out a little bit.


Tropical Storm Fay is still creating havoc over Florida, but now there's a chance that she might bump herself up to hurricane status once she gets out over the Atlantic Ocean just east of Jacksonville and thereabouts. In any event, Fay will eventually go back onshore and give north Florida and south Georgia a lot of much needed rain.

There have been a few tornadoes, with some causing major damage but no reports of deaths, thank goodness. But that's part of a tropical system like Fay; tornadoes do spin up very quickly and disappear just as quickly. The Weather Channel gave a good example of that last night.

More to come, including the latest work on my website...


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