Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Watching the Atlantic Closely

Well, we got through Hurricane Gustav, and now we have Hanna, Ike and Josephine coming. It has really been an active two weeks, hasn't it? Hanna has had a weird history, but if you've followed the tropics you know why she's traveled the way she has. Now Georgia and the Carolinas are watching and bracing for what this storm might do.

Hurricane Ike looks more to be a potential problem for the Gulf of Mexico if the current projections hold up. Josephine is an unknown situation at this point; we'll see what she does eventually.

If you wish to help with relief efforts in LA, AR and elsewhere contact the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and other organizations. You can also Google search for other groups that you can donate to.

Stay tuned for more news from the tropics.


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