Friday, May 9, 2008


Thank God it's Friday. It's been a long week for me, but it's almost done now. I'm still here at work, toiling away at my desk...but 90 minutes from now it will be Heaven.

I hope that I can get my Yasesu mobile station installed this afternoon, but I have to go to Radio Shack and buy an external speaker to go with it. It seems like I forgot that little detail when I was in Austin last Saturday. That's OK; this RS speaker is amplified so it really should work better than the standard Yaesu stock external speaker. The cost is around $35, but it just might be worth it...especially if I'm trying to hear the radio over the noise of a very hard rain or large hail pinging onto the truck, or an extracurricular activity...well, you get the point.

If this can all be installed fairly swiftly, it will be sweet and I can show it off in Round Rock on Tuesday night at the LSARA meeting. Now, if i can get the XYL to let me have a scanner installed permanently in the truck, complete with mobile antenna...


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