Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An Important Personal Anniversary

I am celebrating an important anniversary. It was 17 years ago today that I received my very first ham radio license. I was a Technician-Plus licensee and I was very happy to get that ticket. It didn't take long for me to get on the air, but I did go through my jitters and nervousness just like anyone else does when they grab the microphone for the first time.

Now 17 years later, I don't even give it a second thought whenever I grab the mic. It's part of me and it always will. It's the new things that I am about to try thta make me nervous, yet excited...just like I was on this date 17 years ago.

So how am I going to celebrate this milestone? I doubt I'll do much, to be honest. I don't need to create a scene or call attention to myself, for it's just a simple milestone. Maybe when the QCWA writes me to request my membership in their group will it really hit me. But 17 years is a long time, and I have enjoyed it all...the friendships, the knowledge gained, and so on.

I hope the next 17 years will be good to me just like the previous 17, except minus the hiccups along the way.


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