Monday, May 5, 2008

The Rain Cometh...and Cometh...and Cometh...

Well, I'm glad I decided to drive the XYL to work and keep the truck for the day until she is finished and ready to come home. It began to rain soon after I got parked and went inside. And it doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon, either.

Normally I would walk to work and take advantage of the exercise opportunity, but today I just felt like driving. Now I won't be all wet, except when I walk between my office and the main hospital campus (Scott & White in Temple). I already got wet once; I'm looking at twice more now. All I need is my body wash and a towel and I could have my shower done for the day already!

Maybe not...I'm not sure anyone would want to look at me while I was bathing in the rain. There's a place called "jail" that I wouldn't want to be in...


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