Thursday, May 29, 2008

More on 2m/70cm Simplex Operating...and Yagis vs Quagis vs Quads

I've been getting some favorable comments about simplex operating on 2 meters and 70 cm. It seems that there are those who wish to try different things and experiment. It's great, and this is going to help my confidence.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at the VHF and above antenna possiblities for next year's potential move to a house. The research is still ongoing, but I'm looking at using quad antennas for the 6m, 2m and 70cm bands. If I get 222 MHz capability, a quad is within the realm of possibility there.

Why use quads? The front to back ratio is very good, and the gain is excellent as well. Cubex makes some great quads, but they are a little pricey. They do stand behind their work, though. There's a quad that has 8 elements each for 2m and 70cm for $195 as of now. And it's light, too! That's another consideration I'm looking at.

At least I have a year to research and save, mostly save. I'm looking at purchasing 2-3 quads, with the poles and rotators I will need to turn those things. For me they hold great promise and the ability to explore weak-signal work on VHF/UHF.

Oh, and my XYL approves of these projects!

Ham radio is experimentation; that's what I want to do. The plan is slowly becoming clearer and clearer. Stay tuned...


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