Friday, May 30, 2008

Seeing an Old Friend

Today at work I ran into Tom Olsen, AE5AP. We didn't have a lot of time but we managed to get caught up with the latest news and stuff. Tom's a good guy, and I think we're on the same wavelength as to where we relate to our Amateur Radio hobby. It's only a hobby, everyone! Why do we have the B.S. we have everywhere now where everyone berates everyone else and so on?

I'm glad I made the decision to leave Temple ARC like I did. It was the same old crap over and over again. Tom reminded me of this: I didn't need a club in order to do what I've ultimately done in the hobby, and he's right. But I do belong to two organizations now and will join a third this coming Tuesday evening. I hope that these groups will do the right thing and work hard to promote our hobby the way it should be. If not, I can do it myself and have fun doing it.

Will it all work out? I sure hope it the meantime, TGIF!!!!!


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