Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nice Weather We're Having Here!

Don't let the post fool you; it's been hot and muggy around here lately until yesterday afternoon when we got a strong line of thunderstorms to move through. The resulting rains really cooled things off for a while, but now the humidity is back more oppressive than ever.

I actually got out and spotted for a bit; I drove up to Scott & White, which is on the highest hill in Temple and most likely Bell County, and kept my eyes to the north. As the rain started. it became quite apparent that no one had an umbrella with them. A lot of people got wet from the 1-2 inch rainfall per hour rate that was falling along with winds at my estimation were 40-45 mph. Mary was listening from the house, so she knew where I was at all times.

Once it became clear there was nothing to really see other than rain, I drove home and spent time with Mary for the rest of the evening. She has a long work day today, so I'll have a couple of hours at least to work on my website...which needs some updating, I know! Maybe I can get the Storm Spotter Central section up and posted where everyone can see it.

I'm looking forward to the first Central Texas Amateur Radio Club meeting on June 3 and the Lone Star Amateur Radio Association meeting on June 10. I think that I am now affiliated with some people that are trying to put their best foot forward for the hobby, and I hope that effort continues...I guess we'll see.

I might put the portable HF antenna back onto the balcony railing and play a little HF also; I'm enjoying having my gear in the house now, and I can operate in comfort. As long as I make sure I'm not screwing up someone else's fun it's all good!

Catch ya later...


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