Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2008 In Retrospect

Well, Christmas is almost here and 2008 is almost history. It's been a wild and crazy year for me, but I have hung in there. There's still a lot of things hanging in the air for me personally, and I'm sure a lot of them will get resolved early next year. Time will tell where I wind up in my heart, mind and soul...but I will persevere. Somehow, I always manage. But it's been really tough in 2008. Maybe 2009 will provide better happenings.

I plan to try to do different things next year. This is especially true in my two true hobbies, ham radio and stamp collecting. Experimentation is the key here; you'll see what happens beginning early in '09.

My web site will get ramped up more next year. Yes, I know...I promised that I would get certain things up and going on the site, but way too much has been happening for me personally that has kept me from getting it all done. Progress has been made, but it's not complete. Perhaps the one significant thing I've managed to get done on the site is to add the Skywarn training schedule for 2009; I know a lot of people have appreciated that already. And of course, this blog. I haven't quite been on here like I would have liked, but again things have been happening.

But I plan to make 2009 a special year, both for my hobbies and for me personally. Watch out for me next year; it's going to be fun!

Stay tuned...


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