Friday, November 21, 2008

2009 Skywarn Training Schedule; New Roundtable Net Starting

The 2009 SKYWARN training class schedule is out, thanks to several NWS offices throughout the state. This listing is by no means complete and will be updated as often as possible. You can take a look at the early schedule at and click the 2009 SKYWARN Training Schedule link on the left under Vital Pages.

I plan to be at the Meridian session as well as the Waco advanced class session, and I just might show up at one or two others as well but my personal schedule will determine that.


Plans are slowly coming together as far as my ham radio activity is concerned. I hope to be set up mobile before too much longer at least on VHF/UHF; HF is a bit down the road. Antennas are being planned, and I am looking at getting into a few contests in 2009 if all goes well. Jenny wants me to get on the air and be active and I plan to do just that!


There will be a new net coming to Central Texas, more like a resurrection really. The Roundtable Net will be held beginning Tuesday nights at around 7 pm on 147.180 MHz in Clifton with a PL tone of 123.0. This repeater has good coverage and should be accessible fairly easily. The first net should be this coming Tuesday night (11/25) . I will act as net control with help from Tracy, KD5IMM, and maybe others. Check in and join in the fun!

Stay tuned...


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