Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tearing It Up at the Home Run Derby

This is the type of post that I will not normally do, since this blog is for ham radio and weather and such. But the subject matter here is too important not to mention at least some.

Last night was a great night to be a baseball fan. Even better (at least for me) it felt really good to be a Texas Rangers fan.

If you follow baseball enough, you obviously know about the Josh Hamilton story and what he has done this year. Even more, you should know about the demons he has overcome to reach the heights he has this year. If you don't, go to the Texas Rangers website or look through ESPN's archives and you'll find several articles about Josh's rise from near self-destruction.

It wasn't an accident as to how the man rose to the heights he has reached, my friends.

Josh realized what he was doing to himself and placed himself into the Lord's hands. When you put your faith in the Lord, there's no telling what can happen. Last night was simply an example.

Everyone has said this at one time or another: he could very well be dead now if he continued down the path he was on...drugs, alcohol, and more. He fell from the top of the mountain and was now in a deep dark valley. But Josh is back now, and doing what he loves and knows where his talent came from. He's using it to reach out to people, and not only through his bat; he's talking to anyone and everyone at seminars, autograph sessions, anywhere that someone could listen and learn from his experiences. And he now has respect from all levels of baseball, even the Yankee fans who love to hate anyone and everyone that doesn't wear pinstripes. Those fans CHANTED Hamilton's name! I was totally blown away by that, and even Josh said that it send a chill down his spine...in a good way, of course.

If Josh can come back from his tribulations and defeat his demons, so can we. We have no excuse, especially if we compare our troubles to what Hamilton went through. Our troubles are nothing in comparison. I have my problems; you have yours. I will get through mine, for I have inspiration. I hope you find the inspiration too.

Finally, I have only one other thing to say about Josh and the kind of person that he is:

You have my total respect and you are truly an inspiration to me and to others. I will forever root for you as you continue your fight back, because not only is such a story almost unheard of, but you had the guts to do it and you have the Lord on your side. I wish there were more like you that stood up and decided to live.

Good luck tonight and in the future, Josh. We're all in your corner.


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