Thursday, July 10, 2008

Trouble Brewing At Home...

Well, here's my first post in over a month. To those who read this blog, I apologize and appreciate you for your support. Here's what's happened lately:

I am in the midst of some serious marital difficulties. My XYL was involved in something with someone else that she should have never done...and this is the second time it's happened in a year. I don't know if the marriage can be saved, but I do know that I am moving out and that is happening this afternoon (my local time).

I am looking forward in my life now, and I do not wish to be lonely in it. I would just like to be with someone that accepts me for who I am and can return to me the love I would give that person, which would be a lot. I don't think it will be my wife now, for she seems to think that we are not compatible anymore. That doesn't mean that what she did was right, however. Most everyone I've talked to concerning this particular event thinks that she screwed up...again.

So I guess I'll throw myself outself and see what happens. I think I can be a good husband and mate for someone who really wants to love a decent guy and to be loved back. That I know I can do; I just hope that that someone out there will read this and give me a chance.

I'm not going to go all over the personals sites just to see what I can find; to be honest I have only signed up on 1 site and I doubt I'll do much more than that. I am talking to someone now, but that's mostly it. I admit that I am lonely and wish for some decent companionship. We'll see what happens, I guess.

I know that this isn't ham radio or weather related, but quite a few people have asked me what has happened lately, with no blog entries or anything like that posted. Now you have my explanation. I just haven't been able to get myself straightened out enough to get back on board with this, that's all.

Again, thanks to everyone who reads and supports my blog. I promise I will do everything I can to get back on board here and continue to do what I've been doing: info about ham radio and weather, and now maybe a bit more about myself.

Be back soon...


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