Thursday, September 18, 2008

Weak-Signal Work from an Apartment? Maybe...

My computer did the dreaded "blue screen" thing this morning. Now I'm really chapped, and I'm about to start my vacation too! I have to find something else to do besides sleep in and play online a fair amount of the day. With my resources limited at this point I'll have to try to figure something out, i.e. use someone else's computer for a while. I have things to check that I can't check from home or work since a lot of this stuff is blocked at either place...grrrrrrrrrr...

Anyway, here's another part of my ham radio revival that I'm looking at here: weak-signal work from my apartment. Think I'm crazy? I'm not, really. I'm simply looking to see what I can do and what I can't do. With a small Yagi or quad antenna for either 2 meters or 70 cm I might be able to do a little something, but 2m is more likely. I'm looking into it anyway.

In the short-term, I'm about to order my replacement DC power cord for my Yaesu FT-8800R. Once I get that taken care of then I can begin the process of working toward the start of my crossband repeat experiment and have a little bit of fun! It's only the beginning, and I am now looking toward bigger and better things down the line in Amateur Radio...especially after some conversation with a good friend of mine that has yielded some opportunites that I may likely go for! More to come when that is all ready...

Stay tuned...


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