Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shopping For Ham Gear

I'm still shopping for ham gear for the truck, and I will be ready to order once either the IRS sends that rebate check a lot of us have been waiting for, or if and when I get my junkmobile car sold. I'm down to simply choosing between two dual-band mobiles, a magnet mount for the antenna, and the antenna itself.

For the radio I will likely go with theYaesu FT-8800R, simply because I would get the remote kit free (special promotion, same thing when I bought my Yaesu FT-857D); it was either that or the Alinco DR-635T, which is around $30-40 higher in price almost everywhere. The mag-mount will likely be a triple magnet style with a 3/8 x 24 connector, and if it will hold on the top of the cab of the truck like I want it too then I will purchase that. The antenna? Well, I'm not sure just yet but I want to get as much gain as I can without having the antenna too high above the cab, and it does need to be flexible. Once the money I need gets here, then I'll see what I can do. It does look like I will be making a trip to Austin Amateur Radio Supply soon...


Went to my church's men's softball game tonight. The guys have been telling me that they weren't that good, but I will tell you that they played a pretty good game. They still lost, 10-8 in 6 innings, but played very well after falling behind 10-2 after two innings. I had a great time out there! They want me to play, but I do have a balky left knee that I am really afraid to mess up. I'll coach first or third base if needed, or help in the dugout. The important thing is that I had fun with a great group of guys and I'm going to continue that as much as I can.

Now if my Texas Rangers will get on a winning streak...nah...


I heard from the Temple ARC president last night. He was very disappointed and didn't understand my reasoning for getting out of the club. He's only been around the club for 2 years; I've been around it one way or another for 17 years. I think I know a bit about what's been going on in all that time. I'll give the man this: he did try to talk me out of leaving, but I told him that I had had enough and wanted to move on. I blamed the leadership overall, but he blamed the members. That's not very smart in my opinion, and if the members that cared heard that...I don't think they'll be very happy. I'm not an idiot, and the letter I sent was very plain as to why I had left. If he didn't get it, then that's not my fault...and that's too bad.

If TARC doesn't get it going like it needs to, the club will die. And I don't want to be around to see it happen.


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