Monday, April 28, 2008

It's a Great Day!

Today has been a wonderful day. I woke up feeling great after my baptism on Sunday morning, and I spent a wonderful day with my XYL Mary. We drove to Waco to eat at Weinerschnizel (I hope I spelled that right) and when we got back to Temple we stopped at Dairy Queen for a Blizzard ice cream treat. Along the way we talked about almost everything, and even about the radio installation (yes, she still wants that). I have some options that are available, and now I think I know what I will ultimately do. This decision will depend on certain factors, but mostly if a certain type of magnet mount will work decently. If it does, the other installation questions can easily be answered.

I have received a couple of emails concerning my resignation from TARC. My decision wasn't questioned so much; but the reasons why were debated. Since these people hadn't been licensed very long, I told them about the last 10-15 years and how that related to the present. These people understood, and they wished me the best. I was given a promise that they will stay in contact and that there will be some projects that we could work on together. Knowing the individuals the way I do, I know they are telling the truth and I do expect to hear from them again soon. At least there are a few that understand my actions, and I hope that others do as well. I guess we will see...

Right now the weather is peaceful and serene. It's a far cry from the events of Friday afternoon and evening, when 5 tornado touchdowns were reported in Bell County. It was an awesome storm, and I got a first-hand look at it when I drove out to West Temple and got to see golf ball-sized hail all over me, along with what I believe was the tornado touchdown at Morgan's Point. It was scary, but I do live for that sort of thing; that event also made the XYL realize that good radio communications was needed in the truck. Maybe this event will make people improve their emergency plans or make them if there are none, and maybe make hams areawide improve their communications capabilities if they haven't already done so. Carrying an HT or just a cell phone doesn't cut it, everyone. I was in that position with both an HT and cell phone, and I knew it wasn't enough; I was just fortunate to know when to turn back when things got really bad.

The research has definitely begun to work on getting the gear for the truck that I really do need to have, and thankfully my wife understands that and appreciates it now. She's learned too; will you?

To all who read this: God bless you all, and have a wonderful day!


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