Saturday, May 17, 2008

Another Busy Day...

My XYL Mary and I went out with her sister Debbie today to check out a few garage sales and a market in Belton. I didn't see anything I wanted, but the girls found a few things. I go ahead and go to these sales because you will never know what you might find.

Meanwhile, I am planning my next several purchases. I'm still looking to get into digital operating modes later this year, and then possibly purchasing a couple of Yagis or even quad antennas for VHF/UHF. I am also looking into purchasing 222 MHz gear in the future, but that might not happen until sometime in 2009. I'm also looking to getting two computers we have at the house upgraded to use. One will go to my stepdaughter in Lufkin, while the other one will be in the ham shack (operating closet). I believe that the computer upgrades will happen before I purchase the digital mode gear. These computers will be have their OS's bumped up to Windows XP Professional, along with the other necessary upgrades and repairs that will need to happen. But once they are taken care of...look out!

Another thing I need to take care of are books that are dedicated toward modes like PSK31 and packet. Packet, you say? Isn't that an antiquated mode of operation? Well, yes...but you never know when you need it. It's just like CW; more and more people are using it for fun and possibly an emergency situation, just like me. Anyhow, I am continuing my plan like I have been for quite some time: I want to have as much operating capability as possible at any time, regardless of operating mode. One day...I will have it. I don't think that's too much to ask, you think?


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