Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Watching Hurricane Ike

Well, the moment of truth may arrive by the weekend. Hurricane Ike is moving through Cuba and will soon head for the Gulf of Mexico, forecast to reach the Texas coast by Saturday and come up through Central Texas. Like many others, I am very concerned that this storm will be a really bad boy, likely Category 3 or more when he arrives. If you have interests along the Texas Gulf Coast, make sure that everything there is safe and secure; don't leave anything to chance.


I've been moving things around my apartment lately, sprucing things up and getting a little bit better organized. I've had time to do this recently and I finally got things done. The next thing on my list is to try to add an accessory or two for the ham shack, and I'm going to do this piece by piece and these will be small pieces. I finally got my FT-8800R secure, and I plan to eventually use that for some crossband experimenting from the apartment. I don't know how this will work but I plan to find out...once I get my replacement DC power cord for the FT-8800R. I still have to order it, so it will be a few weeks before I can begin to play with the radio a bit and see what I can do from home. I've wanted to experiment with things for a while, things in ham radio that others just don't do and I am ready for the challenge!

Until next blog...


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