Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monitoring the Airwaves During Ike

This weekend will sure be interesting, thanks to Hurricane Ike coming ashore along the Texas Gulf Coast this weekend and moving into Central Texas. For us radio enthusiasts, there will be plenty to listen to and I plan to try to listen to it all. From HF to the local public service frequencies there will be a lot to take in! I'm also prepared to activate my ham station if needed; I just need to ensure within the next day or so that everything is in working order, and I know that it is to be totally honest with you. For us here the biggest threats would be heavy rain/flooding and strong winds, with an isolated tornado not out of the question.

Now if you have interests along the Gulf Coast, you had better insure that all is secure down there for it will not stay in one place if Ike comes ashore as a Category 2 or more. It's very possible he could come ashore as a Cat 4, but the current projections show Ike as a Cat 3 at this time. Nevertheless, get everything tied down and boarded up and get the hell out of there.

Stay tuned for more...


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