Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

A bit off topic, but considering what today is I feel compelled to comment:

The 7th anniversary of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks is here. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing that morning? I for one certainly do...sitting in a barber shop getting a haircut in Florence, TX when the announcement was made concerning what had happened. It made my blood run cold hearing the news, then it got me really angry.

Right after the announcement, I got a call from Bell County Emergency Management requesting that I bring some ham radio gear to their offices and monitor the situation to see if we could be of assistance. It wasn't necessary for us to offer our help after listening to the various nets in operation, since everything was getting covered in pretty short order. Right after I got the call from BCEM, my wife called me from her job in Austin; she was petrified and needed to talk to me and find out what was up. I told her about the BCEM phone call and we realized that a whole new world had dawned. No one was safe anymore. We were scared, but we would move forward and we did.

The next day after the event, I was playing around on HF a bit calling CQ...and I began to get calls from all over Europe, South America and the Carribbean. Every single station I talked to asked if I was OK and if my family was OK, and each ham I talked to said that he would stand with us and that we had support from the Amateur Radio community. I truly appreciated the kind words and encouragement from everyone in the DX world I talked to that day, and I told everyone that the US would fight back and find who was responsible for what happened. I made sure to thank each person I talked to for their support and caring. Ham radio is a special fraternity; we MUST make sure to keep it that way for future hams!

Today's political environment has caused a lot of us in the USA to forget somewhat what happened that fateful day in 2001. But I haven't forgotten, and neither should you. Our government should be mindful of that day and continue the efforts to find those responsible for what happened on 9/11/2001. We should support our troops that are in far-flung lands finding those who are involved in terrorism and other illegal activities and bringing them to justice. It doesn't matter what political party you belong to, and it doesn't matter who you support for public office at all levels. We must stand up for our country and defend it to the very end if we must. Those airline passengers on Flight 93 did; why in the hell can't we??

We as ham radio operators have a unique opportunity that others do not have. We can monitor communications all over the country and the world as conditions permit. We should provide a special public service to our country and listen into what may be going on. If we hear something that concerns us, we need to report it. You never know: you may foil the next terrorist plot! I'm not asking for us to become heroes; I'm asking that we use our skills and capabilities to serve our country...I don't think that's politically incorrect to say that, nor do I think that I am out of line offering my assistance regardless of political thinking or affiliation.

We have a lot to be thankful for here in the USA; we need to give back, in my view. Stand up and ask what you can do to help.

Stay tuned...


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