Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reflections of N5TD...and Field Day

In case you haven't heard, Charlie Schlieper (N5TD) became a Silent Key recently. I got the call from Randy, KA5IIA, early the morning after and I was absolutely shocked. Even though Charlie had been in worsening health over the last several months it was still a surprise to many. I did get to see Kay (his XYL) at both the visitation and the funeral. She had been through so much and it showed. She is a strong lady and I'm sure that she will get through this very difficult time.

My thoughts about Charlie go back a long way, all the way to when I was first licensed as a ham. Charlie was one of the guys who taught the class that got me on my way and was one of the VE's at my test session. I sat in his shack several times and we talked radio a lot. I had even helped him repair a radio that had some issues with the audio, only to discover that the mike element needed cleaning and some junk needed to be removed from around it. But ultimately some of the best times of my life were spent with Charlie and Kay, and I will never forget them; those times will always be cherished...forever.

Field Day was something special with Charlie there. Many times he would bring a lot of equipment with him to do satellite work or perhaps digital modes or something else. The stuff he brought would fill up several tables lined up in a row. That was only a small sample of all the gear the man had, and we all knew it. I sat with him several times and watched as he tried to reach the international space station or in previous years, MIR...or anything else that came up.

Charlie was extremely knowledgeable in electronics. No one could touch the man as far as what he knew, and it's possible that he had forgotten more than most of us knew about electronics and beyond. We knew that and accepted that. Education was extremely important to him and he showed that every day. He had said several times that the day would be a failure if he had not learned at least one new thing, and maybe that's something we should take note of.

Field Day is this weekend, and I go into that weekend with a very heavy heart knowing that Charlie will not be out there somewhere. But I do go forward, and I will pick up the torch that Charlie left behind and I will work hard to learn new things and apply what I have learned. That begins with this weekend, as I go to visit Randy down in Magnolia and will participate in Field Day with a Houston-area QRP and AMSAT club there. There will be lots to learn and I plan to get a lot of pictures taken while I'm there. If I possibly can I will get these posted with captions.

In the meantime, my most sincerely condolences and prayers go to Kay, her son Carl and the entire Schlieper family. Your pain is felt by many, and rest assured that we will be there for you if you need us. But do remember that it is only a farewell, not goodbye, and we will eventually see Charlie again. You can bet that he and Bob, W7KPW (also a silent key), are now talking about how they can help God improve his communications equipment...like it needs any help in the first place. But they will try...

See you at FD...and stay tuned.


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