Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's a Go!!!

Well, everyone...the plan to head down to Magnolia and houston for Field Day is set. I will be leaving Valley Mills at around noon tomorrow and should arrive in Magnolia at around 5 or so. I do need to make a few stops along the way so that will take up some time. The reason for these stops are simple: I have to stop at Randy's (KA5IIA) house in Temple to pick up a dismantled 6-meter antenna and I will also visit with his parents and maybe his sister as well. It's been quite some time since I have seen them so the visit will be enjoyable. I'll also stop along the way to grab a bite to eat and I'll take time doing it. If nothing else, the trip will be a great chance to get away and get a little peace.

It is VERY important to note that it will be very hot for FD this weekend. Temps from 100 to 105 or more will likely be the norm so make the extra effort to dress cool and drink LOTS of liquids, especially water. Believe it or not, this die-hard Dr Pepper drinker will actually stay away from the sodas this weekend! I learned from last year, when I almost dropped from heat exhaustion walking across Temple to go to an FD site. I swore that I would never do that again and I intend to keep my promise. Be careful out there, PLEASE!!!

I do hope to get some pictures from FD in Houston and if I do I will make every effort to get them uploaded onto my website.

One important note: Google is evidently getting rid of the website section of Google Apps. They're going to incorporate those websites still in use (like mine) and will move them over and set them up on Google Sites, which is actually different. To me that area looks like something from Yahoo Groups, but I'll be open about it and see how it goes. I'm not sure when the transition will take place but it is supposed to happen fairly soon. I'll keep you updated on the details. Who knows; maybe the transition will work out in my favor!

Take notice of the poll question I have up concerning FD. I would like to know how many people who view the blog actually participate in FD and what they do during the event. From here on out once the poll is closed I will post a new poll question for you to respond to. No names or calls will be listed; I would just like to look at the numbers of those who respond.

Also, by ALL means feel free to reply comments to anything I may post on this blog. I would love to hear from you and I will certainly respond to your comments. The same goes for personal emails to me; I will respond and respect your thoughts and comments.

Have fun this weekend; I should be back in the saddle early next week with an entry on how everything went. STAY COOL AND HYDRATED, PLEASE!!!

Stay tuned...


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