Thursday, January 22, 2009

A New Era...

Well everyone, a new era has begun. George W. Bush is no longer president; Barack Hussein Obama is now in charge. We must now put aside any animosities and anger that existed before, race issues really need to be put aside, and we must come together and work as one country to get the USA back to where she needs to be. We must pull together and support President Obama as he tackles several different and very demanding issues that lay before him and us. Things won't be fixed overnight, certainly, but they will be fixed in time. Please be patient and pray for and support our new president as he begins travelling a very difficult road ahead.


Meanwhile, I have plans to take a weekend trip down to Magnolia, TX sometime in February to visit my old friend Randy Friesenhahn, KA5IIA. The plans for us are simple: set up my Yaesu FT-8800R for operation in the car and set up power-up capability for my Yaesu FT-857D to use in the car should I decide to use it then. Of course this means buying HF mobile antennas and VHF/UHF mobile loop antennas, but I like having the capability to operate in almost any capacity possible. There will also be the capability of adding a scanner antenna so I can monitor everything else that goes on no matter where I'm at in Central Texas.

This is only the very beginning of my Amateur Radio equipment upgrades; I am still looking to eventually add 222 MHz gear and to add digital mode capability. Furthermore, I will be looking to purchase a laptop computer with some of my income tax refund so I can do have a much better online presence and even be able to get on EchoLink from time to time to visit the LSARA nets like I would like to. But the most important thing is that I will be better able to communicate than I have been able to do before.

Also, the laptop purchase should allow me to update my website more often and keep it more current than I have been able to do. Of course, things happen; but I try. That's all I can do. Maybe by the end of February I can finally have things on the right path. We will see.

Stay tuned...


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