Sunday, February 7, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again? Could Be...

Well, a lot has happened since I last posted here. A relationship ended and I have moved to a new location. But new things are coming down the pike and I may FINALLY be able to do some of the things I always wanted to do beginning this year. Here are some highlights:

I have moved out of Valley Mills, TX and moved to the town of McGregor, about 15 miles south and about 15 miles west of Waco. I had to get out of a very toxic relationship and have begun life anew and I am finally on the road to recovery and beginning to enjoy life again.

Ham radio is now again closer to being on the front burner again. I have plans to attend Field Day just outside Brookshire again and improve the effort made last year. QRP is fun, and using solar and battery power in FD can be really fun! Let's see what happens in 2010 as Randy (KA5IIA) and I try to help the Houston QRP group improve on last year.

Portable operation will be on the front burner again as I will be looking to bring out the portable antenna and gear again and see what can be done with it. For the 1st time I plan to operate in CQ Magazine's WW WPX Contest and turn in a score to see what I can do against the big guns! I do believe that my WR1 prefix should count for something. It could be time for the Slinky antenna ideas to bring some fruit...

More news coming in the next few days as ideas begin to bear fruit.

Stay tuned...

Warren, WR1TX

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