Monday, May 4, 2009

A Quick Retrospect...From One Year Ago to Now; Also, a Little Philately

Well everyone, it's almost a year since my life turned upside down. The XYL and I had split up in May of last year and we are still separated, and likely to divorce now. We have rarely talked over the last month of more, and she has pretty well made it clear that she just doesn't want to try to reconcile. It's her loss, and I have decided that I need to move on and just make life for myself as good as I can possibly make it. Jenny has been there for me and she certainly deserves the chance to perhaps make it permanent. But certain things have to happen...and I will leave it at that.

For my hobbies, they had to be put on hold for the most part while I got my life back together again. It's not perfect now, but my life is better than it had been. I can enjoy my hobbies to some extent now and the support for them is there as well. That was something I hadn't had in a very very long time, and I do appreciate that. But it's a two-way street, and I continually work to make sure that Jenny gets her due. She wants me to have fun and explore, and do things like I always have wanted to do them if at all possible. I am now doing that, and I have explained in previous posts what I would really like to do and what I am now doing to get there.

I have now lived in Valley Mills, Texas since early November. It's a different kind of lifestyle and pace and it has taken me a while to get used to it. But I'm getting there and I really do enjoy it now. I'm not sure I really want to leave this quiet and peaceful place, located on State Highway 6 about 25 miles NW of Waco in Bosque County.

We will see what happen in time I'm sure. Only God knows what is in store, and He will not give me more than I can handle. But He sure has made life challenging for me!


On the Amateur Radio philately front...I have just won on eBay an interesting set of stamps. These were issued by the kingdom of Jordan, and depict a picture of none other than the late King Hussein, JY1. Many of you long-time DXers know that King Hussein loved and supported Amateur Radio, and was even a life member of the ARRL. The monarch was easily one of the most popular and loved hams in the world, bar none. Anyhow, there are 5 stamps in this collection; all of them are in mint condition, never used. One $9.99 bid sealed the set for me. I should be receiving these any day. This comes on the heels of a mint stamp from India showing a picture of Marconi on it. I was happy to see this one come in the mail today.

Where am I getting these Amateur Radio stamps? I have an eBay seller in New York that seems to be able to get these stamps pretty regular. But I'm not alone in collecting Amateur Radio postage stamps from around the world. There are one or two others who bid on these stamps on eBay; we usually wind up bidding against each other. If you want to find out about those who collect these stamps, just do a Google search. I will eventually have a page on my website that is dedicated to Amateur Radio stamps.

Stay tuned...


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